April 19th, 2010 in All 50 State Capitols "Articles of Freedom Delivery" - Restore American Constituition Plan

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Take Peaceful Civic Action & Restore the Constitution.Minimize.Articles of Freedom: to Save the ConstitutionBEYOND TEA PARTIES, ELECTIONS AND PARTIESFor Those Who are Uneasy and Anxious about the Fate of AmericaThis is not the Hour for Summer Soldiers or Sunshine Patriots.On April 19, 2010, the Voice of Freedom will be heard from Hawaii to Maine as Constitutionalists gather in every Capital City to simultaneously sing the praises of America and Her Constitution, and to serve the Articles of Freedom on Her federal and state officials.The Articles of Freedom, include a series of Remedial Instructions for both the Federal and State governments – instructions designed to restore constitutional governance in America, together with a Nationwide Civic Action and Pledge signifying the belief that:a) for decades and over many administrations, both political parties have been violating theConstitution and the states have acquiesced;b) the Articles of Freedom should be served on key elected officials in the federal government and all 50 state governments;c) the federal and state officials should comply with the Remedial Instructions designed to put an end to the violations and restore constitutional governance; andd) if the government officials refuse to comply, the People shall engage in a nationwide, well-organized, pro-active, non-violent series of civic actions, including economic sanctions if ultimately necessary, to peaceably procure the relief they are entitled to under our system of governance.The Articles of Freedom must now be delivered to our federal and state elected officials. In Unity, and with a single mindedness of purpose (our process goes beyond Tea Parties and beyond Elections, Parties and Personalities), the Plan is to deliver the Articles of Freedom on April 19th at the same moment in time, across all time zones in America, regardless of what other “patriotic” events may be scheduled that day or any other day in April.This is where your service is required. In many states, there is great activity underway. In others, we need you to ensure all states participate.THE PLAN:There are two options: Preferred and Alternate.http://www.articlesoffreedom.us/ThePlan.aspx

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  • Alrighty, I arrived just in time, about 2:10 pm Rudy Eckert (Delegation Leader) started things off by making sure everyone had there proper papers in hand as well as making sure the names of officials to serve were all accounted for. A gentlemen with a camera in hand showed up at the same time as I arrived. Quite possibly press or blog related in nature. I was dressed in casual clothes as was camera man, while the other representatives/sovereigns on behalf of the "Articles of Freedom" Ceremony & Serve Papers were more properly dressed for the event. But I didn't feel at all out of place. We all then made sure that everyone attending had signed the Script/Articles that would be served to Governor
    Jim Doyle. If my memory serves me correct, I believe we were a mere 10 in number... Perhaps not to many got the memo/info on this historic event, somewhat a shame. But I digress to fact of the matter that we were a group ready to take care of business. Rudy Echkert then began the "National Dedication Ceremony" by thanking & welcoming us to be apart of what I am certain all of us felt was a most important gathering "of The People For The People" record to be recorded on behalf our selves & more importantly the "Free People of America" sustained and entrusted to us by the Creator and Constitution. Rudy reading the script in hand while an additional gentlemen of the group stood near holding the articles whilst grabbing each page that our Delegated Leader would read off. 3 pages in we gave Honorable Gratitude to our Country and Forefathers by eyeing the flag sitting atop the Capital, Pledging Allegiance with song & rapport. After 8 additional pages of professed declaration of chief motives of the nation wide gathering & summaries involving numerous injustices of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Corporation on behalf of Continental Congress Assemble 2010 issuse's of address. "We heard the words, Today we have the opportunity to take the pledge together here and across America." (page 11) "In full view of the creator as my witness,// I hereby pledge to join with// Millions of Americans// To Hold Our Elected and Appointed Officials Accountable// To Their Oath Of Office:// To Preserve, Protect and Defend the Construction for the United States of America// In Seeking to Hold Myself Accountable// I Shall Hold Myself Accountable To Do the Same. I Renounce and Condemn// Any and All Initiation of Violent Force// And Will Pursue All Lawful and Constitutional Means// To Fulfill My Duty. I Speak These Words// As an Eternal Record of the Will of the People// To Be Free. The Elected Officials from the state of Wisconsin are being served with the Articles of Freedom today. While invited to attend this ceremony and receive them in person, they are not present. Therefore, the Articles will be (delivered by hand to their offices or postmarked by certified mail) following this ceremony: [Names of Senators, Governor, Attorney General, & many Representatives. Half of the group then proceeded to enter the capital building to serve offices they were assigned while myself and the remaining outfit traded contact information & a small question & answer session, my first question of course being this is all completely separate from "The Restore America Plan" where the expected answer in union by many voices was yes, completely separate... ("Yea, I thought as much", I said; "Just Making Sure") Venturing into the Capital we checked out the Directory of Offices siting there on the wall, soon after we entered the main hall. The Other group had taken care of everyone but Jim Doyle's Office just up the stairs where a large elementary school kids field trip was taking place lol. After asking for directions at the main desk on the first floor we cruised on up to the 2nd floor where all manner of kids were flocking about. After proceeding past another attendant desk whom didn't know weather or not the mayor was available or not. His Secretary just a few steps away was sure to know
  • right? Yep, he was "out in Columbus for the day" she stated. Asking if we could serve the papers to her on behalf of the articles & as representative of the absent Governor we made sure she was aware what was being presented and served to her, Rudy making sure she would realize this and sign the dotted line. With the 53 pages of "The Works Of The Continental congress 2009/2010 in safe keeping, we went about our way out of the building with a sense of duty & peace of mind knowing that the mission of the day in just one of 50 states had been completed before the hour hand struck 3... I am by no means nor have I ever really been a proponent of the political world and all it's catering's, intentions & responsibilities to the people (well maybe this year). By far I feel that being apart of this Magnum Opus has possibly brought out the "common law" man in me to try and reach out and teach or even just mention peaceably for the rights of all peoples everywhere that no one individual or collective organization no matter the name has the authority to break your sovereign inherit rights... Heck I'm just a bike mechanic after all *_*
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