It's hard to ask on bended knee,Admitting that you have what it is I need,But once I do I'm completely free,And love can grow as I becomes WE.Darn that wind! Got a different camera and need to muffle that mic! The New Moon in Libra coming up Friday is an opportune time to redefine our relationships creating more balance, peace, and harmony. This will naturally occur as both parties come to the table with a spirit of free, open sharing rather than fear based paranoid self protection. Life will be showing us over the course of these next few months how interdependent we are and we can take this as threatening our "personal reserves" and withold, or we can take it as an opportunity to unite and experience co-creation.... let's go for the latter!
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I think we can all have a "distorted" or " Over Rosy View of Ourselves" that's why I think self appraisal is unimportant to myself as like you know anyone can say that they…"
"Hi Ivy, well there are many 4th ray personalities and also minds, incarnated now and throughout the ages...The law of cycles applies to the egoic rays, only...Sometimes we can tell which ray our mind ray is, by understanding our approach to…"
"Very good post and it is also true,for they performed an operation on me. Here is my story;back in 94 after my trip to Belize I was in Tao's NM. I had obtained a case of the Book '' We the Acturians'' and was selling them at the Flea markets. At the…"
"Good response fella...Glad to playfully joust with you, here....And if I might seem a little overpowering, sorry, it's my passion for exactitudes, which one could suggest is very much a quality of my 7th ray persona....(Hopefully tempered by the…"
For your Response and the thread has prompted a discussion beyond what I expected in relation to the 7th Rays and happy to have found a community with an extensive understanding on the Ray's and it is an honour to have you and…"