Comparing Astrocharts of Obama Beyonce Mariah Carey and Camina Cabello

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I am comparing the Astrocharts for similarities of my last 4 Videos. These were President Obama, Mariah Carey, Camina Cabello and Beyonce Knowles.

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  • Hi Everyone! I would like to share what I wish to accomplish with my Videos.

    1) I would like to teach how to read their own DNA or Akashic Records through Astrology.

    2) I use famous people as a catch to get people to look within their Soul.

    3) I would like to inspire people to do Mantra Meditations for the weakened and hard aspects of their own astrological charts. Which I usually mention at the end of my Videos. I put a link up to a Mantra Channel. I try to explain our DNA is connected to the planets and someday I will do a video explaining the different scientific documentaries that I have found.

    4) I try to be entertaining so that you dont fall asleep on me. And hope byy doing so hope I bring a smile  to you.

    5) Communicate about spirituality in Video form. I used to write Long Blogs on AC before and living here in Austria is deteriorating my Englisch. I am really ashamed of how bad my writings skills have become. I know that I should practice. But at the moment, I have discovered Video editing and greenscreen and it allows me to share my knowledge in a creative fun way.  By the way, I have a horrible Keyboard Problem that Pops up lowercase letters to uppercase after I have typed them and am 5 letters away. It is such a hassel to always go back and correct it. This only happens when I am on Internet Explorer with Cookies. This does not happen to me on Mozilla Firefox.

    6) I hope to find my old friends again and make new friends. I used to hide behind an Icon but now I am coming out .... was often in hiding in the past for private reasons. Now I will not be ashamed of who I am and what I believe. My Videos are me coming out of the closet loud and clear.

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