Drekx Omega ~ Location of Earths Galactic Federation of Light Command Base

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  • When the GFL craft exit inner Earth and the Command Base, near Shamballa, they can exit at the polar entrances and also, there are numerous alternatives, which lead to deep ocean, through which craft travel and finally surface off the coast of wherever the target areas is....In the case of the recent "drone" sightings, GFL have been observed traveling up and out of the Atlantic ocean, to take to the sky, on the eastern seaboard of the USA..
    Nick Pope speculates that they may be returning to "submarines," with lights off, however, boats have even noted underwater craft with lights on, as well as craft fully luminous in their plasma fields, rising up from the water...No submarine needed....Surface Earth technology drones, are either designed for water submersion, or air flight, but not both....GFL craft can travel seamlessly through all mediums...Air, space, or water...

  • Offworlders share a consensus truism [higher form of opinion,] that SHAMBALLA is the capitol city of planet Earth....Even if the dark cabal declared Brussels, or Beijing, to be the "World capitol city," ETs would smile at such a juvenile sentiment......and dismiss it's relevance...

  • Q is supported by us, the GFL...U.S. army signals corp, NSA intel/ military intelligence....they are part of the alliance. patriots and high moral standards...wwg1wga
  • meadows still putting pressure on rod rosenstein to release unredacted/unmodified fisa abuse memo; contempt charges, rather than impeachment. good optics for sessions to appear 'neutral.' ;-]

  • will speaker ryan show his hand by defending rosenstein....maybe the optics will prove useful, anyway, as per swamp drain....potus can fire anyone if calls grow....clamour mounts

  • well i said that i was 'looking forward' to rod rosenstein's impeachment on the 20th and the said articles just filed.....thanx again jim and mark......;-]

  • with john huber investigating/prosecuting, swamp alligators will feel pain....

  • sessions will make huber the drainage engineer; from covert to overt.....

  • release of redacted fisa abuse memo gives [rr] time before his time is up with potus declass, naming swamp rat names....bingo, doj will then switch to trump train....heh, heh..;-0

  • ok, phase one of rod rosenstein's planned impeachment completed....;-]

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