Drekx Omega ~ Rendlesham Incident Prt 3 - 3 Nights Merge Into One Summary
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You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
(The original version was being played by a DJ, in the Woodbridge-Bentwaters AFB (officer ranks) staff disco, during the Rendlesham incident of 1980, when Lieutenant Col. Charles I. Halt was suddenly interrupted, from his "dance" routine, to attend "strange lights at the perimeter," during that Christmas party disco...Hehe...!! 😉 Betchya didn't know that...!!🛸
"Zauda zagon vin ja-ta e selamat majon....!!"😊(We come as one in the light of heavenly joy and a state of rejoicing..)
Noting that there are three basic teleport methods and the one that was thought to be appropriate, at that time, was not....in the case of neutron radiation emissions, which should have dropped off more rapidly than supposed...
I will also add that although I appreciate the "UFO trail" created by the Forestry Commission, for tourists of the famous incident, the sculpture is actually way off...The real probe that Penniston touched was very different and the symbols were totally different, on the hull...
Nevertheless, a good try....
Moreover, John Rogers is not an ET believer, but is open-minded and that is OK with us..
nuclear war is forbidden by the gfl, post rendlesham 1980...the cabal is delusional......our u.s. earth allies are close to ending the dark desperados forever....bravo admiral rogers, pres. trump and gen. dunford....keep winning.....;-]
A great great great grandson heehee I love that woman and I know shes pleased I have you as my mate now.... Who would of Thought if that you would end up in this family.....
I know babe my entire thing I wrote didn't come out lol I was joking lol but of course it didn't copy it all I know you'd never think that the of me electronics always go a bit haywire in my hands lol
You have asked some really intelligent questions, my honey....That comment was really directed at all those other readers and viewers out there, who may seek clarification anent points raised in the vid...I wanted to explain, for example, why it is that sometimes landed craft emit a very bright ionisation field, which is too bright for unshielded eyes and on other occasions, the luminance is much more tolerable and requires no protective eye wear....I used the term "T-MAT transfer" in the vid and the why and how, it is accomplished and under what circumstances...Just was hoping other members understood these factors in deployment of GFL technology..
Love ya too, my sweet....Your questions and interest was most welcome...and you are in no way a "pea brain." :-0
Baby I understand Everything you said if my pea brain can understand it I'm sure its just great love ya....