Drekx Omega Sirian Racial Form Characteristics April 13 2015

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  • "Lion's Gate:" Sirius A is associated with the Pschat warriors of Heaven....They are leonine....Not to be confused with Sirius B Galactic Humanoids...
  • So a "dog star" on Earth and a "Pschat Heavenly Warrior sun," from a denizen of Sirius.....COSMIC PERSPECTIVE>>>

  • The erroneous notion, propagated by fake channelers, that Sirians are "dog or wolfmen," directly conflates with the Earth astronomy classification & artistic designation, of an EARTH PERSPECTIVE on various stars, into the approximate outline of a dog. The constellation; CANIS MAJOR....The star that marks the nose of Canis, is popularly known as the "DOG STAR." Assuming that a dog's nose is an essential attribute in any dog...But that is the Earth astronomy reason a star of supreme magnitude; Sirius A, is associated with an animal dog....NOT FOR SIRIAN REASONS AT ALL>>>Sirians associate the sun with Pschat Warriors of Heaven....

  • Sirius B, C & D Sirians, are galactic Humans. They are not "felines," or "wolfmen," as another member, posting a few weeks back, incorrectly suggested. However, Sirius A Sirians, are leonine people...

  • thanks Drekx,love the vids,and any information that i may add to your posts of interest will always be given from myself,have had many visions shown to me over the years since 1993,thats when i physically died,it sort of opened up a doorway for me to view beyond the scope of 3D REALITY,our souls are full of love and memories of Universal Knowledge.blessings evonne.8115331897?profile=originalSaw 3 of these entities in my bedroom looking at me in the past 5 years one evening,they are such loving and careing souls.

  • Lol randy right now I could use a lake full of coffee I'm at war with insomnia lol you know it sucks you're so sleepy but once you lay down you can't sleep I think someone got Mr sand man in lock up lol

  • Good morning friends Lisa and Drekx......working the late night shift as usual......coffee time :-)

  • Hugs and kisses dear I love um like a sis but nothing will change what I think of you either brilliant talented kind just perfect in who you are....

  • Oh my lol in the space cowboy video the hat he wears I have the same one heehee

  • Actually, that musician is Jay Kay......A damn good funk artist, famous in the 1990s....Now he also produced a really good vibe called "cosmic girl," which I have always enjoyed....Wowsers........I'll post his vid here....Dude is so cool....

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