Drekx Omega ~ Who Will Be Organising Sirian Tours of Motherships, After First Contact

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  • so, then our life really begins, until then it was only preparation and we (ca. 1550 "lost children") made our homework LOL
  • Yes, a preference on the day is what counts and the method of teleportation will be the smoother type, as the rapid "elevator" alternative, can shock some tourists...some may even have health conditions that prohibit that method of teleport, so in all cases, the molecular energise process and reassembly of atoms, into the scoutship, which in turn takes tourists to the mothership, via the normal process of embarkation...And then we can vector out of orbit...

  • I actually would not mind being beamed up while at home either. If I'm feeling lazy at the time or the weather is off thats probably what I'll do just wait in my room and poof next second I'm on the ship :)
  • Yes, each individual tourist will receive a telepathic impulse to go to a place of maximum preference, for a collection beam and scoutship transit....Some have even sent thoughts to Sandara of collection from inside their homes and that is possible, too...It really is like Star Trek...only better....

    Many, like yourself, have favoured natural beauty spots in mind and that would be OK...Some have family whom they prefer to be away from them, when collected...Others don't mind their family seeing them being collected..each has a preference...In fact, there is a current multitude of permutations, amongst selected ones...The telepathic impulse for collection, allows 24-hours to prepare and if a person has difficulty receiving the impulse, it will be sent in the dream state, instead....and combined with a strong intutive impulse..

    SO BEAM US UP, SCOTTY.....!! šŸ˜ Smiles beaming, as we beam up, ideally....

  • Where will we picked up at for the tours Drekx? Do we have to meet at a certain area or can we just be picked up wherever we are at at the time? If I'm still living in this area when the tours happen their is a wooded area I always walk to which is a perfect area for pick up. Couple other areas around here as well that are good pick up spots.
  • Hello friends and thanks for your great questions....Firstly, just to reassure Randy that post First Contact photos will be permitted, but not of fellow tourists, without their permissions and securities...So the ship's interior technologies, spacescape views of Earth and the stars, also including a variety of androids and heavy lifting robots, in the hanger, as well as conference rooms and GFL personnel, will be permitted...

    And in response to further excellent questions from Agarther Z, note that Sandara is the Executive Officer of the Sirian tours and has a team of twenty Sirian staff, of various clans, working for her mission...So, all these tours will be conducted in rapid successions, with overlaps, when necessary, using several Sirian motherships, some reporting for Earth orbit duties, currently assigned the outer Solarian security tier, near the gas giants...

    Sandara intends to be present as "tour guide" on one in three tours, as selected team personnel will also guide, simultaneous tours...and then a rapid process of conducting tours, within the space of one Month...

    The briefing schedules will all be designed and guided, in accordance to Sandara's planning, whomsoever conducts the tour, as guide for a given tranche...These twenty guides will all be unknown Sirians, to most PAO members, from all clans, as well as a variety of planets, such as Atarmunck, Samanet and even inner Watarindan, of Sirius C.

    All will be humanoids...Some blue-skinned and some of the "nordic" type..
    In the conference settings, non-humanoid members of the GFL may be present...
    Photos will be permitted, of them and the tour guides...And this should be a relatively sane process and not a paparazzi-style scrum, motivated by commercial pressures, as we see with the MSM press, currently...
    And it must be agreed by all members of the tranche, being toured...Albeit, the enthusiasm of all, will no doubt permit...

    Moreover, tourists will now be permitted to carry cellphones/mobiles, to use taking snaps and videos, but within the ship's field, any attempted calls, tele-signals, will not penetrate. So no incoming or outgoing calls, please, as they can be an annoyance and distraction, for fellow tourists...Think public transport on Earth and you'll get her point...So the idea is to chat about experiences, afterwards, to others...
  • and one more question Drekx,
    will all tours be simultaneously (all 31 at the same time) or not, if not, how long will it take till all tours were on the mothership? How will Sandara handle it?
    And once we are on the ship, what time will be calculated for one visit, one day or longer? thank you
  • I wonder if maybe during the tours we might see some of the non Human GFL members on board the ships? That would be cool if we got to see some Arcturians there or even some of the Tau Ceti bear-like people. Exciting times coming soon folks :)
  • Hey guys great discussion. I can't remember whether or not this question has been asked yet.

    Drekx, will any photos be allowed on these tours as evidence to back up our testimonies? I know there will obviously be very high profile individuals on the Vox Prominenti tours, who are vetted and trusted by earth society. But those of us who are more unknown on the Vox Populi tours, might like to have some evidence to back up our claims.

    Even if I can't take photos I will still give my testimony of course hehe.
  • Thank you mate, yes, that will be fun LOL and it's a great honor for me to be able to do my part and support Humanity and the GFL!
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