Drekx Omega ~ Who Will Be Organising Sirian Tours of Motherships, After First Contact

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  • This music says it all for this vid topic....:-)

  • Fun times coming soon folks just got to get rid of the Cabal trash first. We are almost there :)
  • No tax forms in 5D 😇
  • yes, it's once in a lifetime opportunity we are being offered through Divine grace, I hope people will understand how special that is. As I understand it there is no precedence to this opportunity of ascension we, as humanity, are going to receive. Something like this NEVER happened in the entire Universe and that's what makes it so unique :)
  • The planetary collective vibration is still lower astral plane, at 4.3.....However, an individual may hold a light quotient that permits higher expression and that accounts for the Ascended Masters, themselves....For example, while still firmly in the grip of the 3rd density and dimension, in 1875, Djwal Khul, ascended, as a disciple of Master KH...
    But, the mass ascension, while still in the physical form, is something afforded to humanity, under the law of divine grace, for this age of Aquarius......And we, as well as the planet's surface world, will ascend simultaneously, in mass formations, this time....Some in Agartha, others on the ships...
  • I'll take that LOL
    where do we stand vibrationally, are we past 4.2?
  • That will depend on each person's point in evolution, aka, light quotient....As initiate, parts of previous life memories may filter through, prior to ascension in the chambers....If you're on the 3rd degree, some may manifest, in response, on the 4th degree, some more...But it's at ascension to the 5th, after the chamber, that a full experience of past lives comes to consciousness.....What we call, FULL CONSCIOUSNESS....
  • and Drekx, is it during the tour that we will learn something about our soul's past or will this private part happen in the light chamber?

    btw great tune ;)
  • And yes friend, the whole tour will be conducted with maximum professionalism...It will run like clockwork and will be utterly transformational, short of an ascension, itself...Nobody will return to Earth, the same as when they left it...It will take tourists to the entire solar system.....All will return with great knowledge and wisdom, to impart to fellows....

  • There are three basic types of teleportation methods, technically and the one selected as default, for tourists, is the molecular disassembly-reassembly, smooth ride, which we all agree, is the best, with gentleness guaranteed...A sudden shift and suddenly, you're somewhere else...;-)

    But if any tourist wants the thrill of the "elevator ride," than they can........It's really fast, so watch out.....It's mainly for cargo, but military personnel can use it, also, including GFL Ground Crew, logistics...
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