ET Hybrids, Alien-Human Hybrids with Barbara Lamb and Miguel Mendonça
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You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
thank you Hellen....that is also my understanding
When you came here to Earth in those times ,you did not all reincarnate here .Many of you came in ships .You came from many different extraterrestial races and cultures .When it time to go back to your planet of origin,some of you stayed behind on Earth .Before the ending of those civilizations you had already genetically connect with one another .You had children together ,which created what many of you call a genetically manipulated race .I call it a genetically threaded race .From this retreaded race you created a different race of people .The Earth is a melting pot where cultures have come together to create a consciousness of one race : A Race of Love .When you look at pictures of Beings from other planets you will see some of them resemble the races of Earth .This is because you are them ,seeded from them .This is how you have ended up with many different cultures and languages .As the cultures and languages came together ,they started branching from the original,creating new languages and cultures ,yet still having the foundations of the original .Many of the Beings formed star gates and time portals and are in geomatrical alignment with the meridian lines of creation and many part took in the forming of and creation of these star gates and time portals .One has to remember star gates are many different location around the global and have different purposes .