Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael April 10 2010

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Beloved Ones,We of the Angelic Realms are here in great multitudes at this time to give assistance as needed, when needed, to all upon the Earth. We are standing by awaiting your calls. We continue to do all that we are instructed to do by Prime Creator and are holding the Light steady as all energies swirl in eddies upon the Earth. Never has there been such a happening before, with the past, present and future intermingling together in this way. We see that many of you have experiences that can only leave you wondering what just happened. Did you really experience this or was it but a dream? This is an experience of the convergence of energies from the past and future into present time and it is difficult to explain as it occurs, for it seems so real to you when it happens.Beloved Ones, long have we told you to learn to maintain your centers and now that training must come into play. Many strange, unusual and bizarre events and occurrences will continue to come forth into your lives and into the World scene. Some are so fleeting that you will feel that you imagined it rather than experienced it. Stay centered and be open to change in whatever way is asked of you. Trust that you have all the tools that you need to deal with whatever is presented in front of you. Stay centered in your heart space and trust in your inner guidance. Each of you is being assisted and guided in all that occurs in your lives. Talk to us and tell us your concerns and revelations for we can give assistance to help you discern what is indeed occurring.As Lightworkers, you have taken on the task of transmuting the new energies and making them safer for all of Humanity to absorb, in order to uplift all into a higher vibrational level. This you are doing at this time. Many of you have high energy running through your brains and bodies at this time and it is rather uncomfortable as it happens. This is why we advise long walks amidst nature and breathing rhythmically, deep into your bellies and out through your mouth without a discernible pause for at least seven breaths. This helps to stabilize you as the energies run through you and assists in creating greater comfort for you. The importance of drinking pure, clean water, at least 8 to 10 glasses each day is of vital importance in order to facilitate the movement of these energies safely through your physical bodies. Daily adherence to your spiritual disciplines will help with this process also.The energies are being stepped up in frequency level and many things will come forth that cannot be suppressed any longer. Each of you have been seeing and experiencing this in your own lives, at the same time as you do this, you are also assisting with the clearing and cleansing of the Earths grids, for as you go through your experiences and realize what is occurring, you help to ground and stabilize these forces into the central core of Mother Earth, which assists Her in stabilizing Her forces. There is so much that you are doing that you are not consciously aware of and will only know of it through hindsight. Know that the Ascension process for the Earth and all upon Her is now occurring. It is not in a future time, the time is NOW. All that you have worked for is now beginning to manifest before your eyes. More...

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