Galactic Federation Of Light: Archangel Michael - August 12 2010

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Channeler: Meredith MurphyTelepathic Transmission 12 August 2010Remaining still is a balancing act for dealing with the ever present emotional surges that are taking place right now. These emotional surges are happening as your inner being realigns with your cellular structure and then the love-vibration flows through your new hardware and all the blocks to love; particularly SELF-LOVE get busted open! {Smile! We like this part!}Okay, my beloved ones, but let’s talk about what it feels like to you, remembering that it’s all good…Waves of emotions then flow through you—huge tidal waves, washing out all in their path, feeling nearly destructive in amplitude, for they are, indeed, intending and focused upon clearing all away that is of the old world.For you see, the time is approaching when dwelling in the new, higher vibration field, will be an option for many of you most of the time. And then the focus will shift to creation. What and how you’d like to feel and experience, and the collective energetic and telepathic exchanges with others in the field and with other aspects of you as this cross pollination occurs and massive massive massive new life is created!Awaken now from your dreams which in any way tie you to the old paradigms. Cut yourself off from television, from “news” from situations and relationships which are immersed in the old paradigms as they appear clearly in this mode to you and you will have greater ease.You are now increasingly sensitive to that which aims to control your frequency, to control you in general. To get you to take care of it, to pay attention to it, to mute you, to disengage you at all from your amazingly interesting and expansive and expanding inner world! Increasingly you at last see that YOUR LIFE IS UNBELIEVABLY FASCINATING!! And anyone who does not share your ideals and your values feels empty and irritating to you! This much we know: you cannot elevate your vibration and not notice these amazing discrepancies between you and much of the world which still thinks the way to solve problems is to complain about them or talk about them! Which still thinks that you should take seriously what is outside of yourself rather than orienting within and continually refining your manifestation techniques and knowing you create your entire experience! Which actually doesn’t realize that this amazing collective shift in consciousness is the only game in town that you want to pay attention to, get good at or talk about! More...

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