Galactic Federation Of Light: Archangel Metatron - June 11 2010

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My function is to provide you with tools and information for your ascension, which is also called synthesis, integration and awakening. Call it what you will, but our work together is all about healing the fragmented mind. We angels have infinite ways to help you accelerate your awakening, one of which I am offering you here called a "Diamond Light Infusion." You know from physics that fusion is equivalent to what you in metaphysics call integration. When you allow an infusion of the divinity that you are, that integration causes you to defragment yourself. In plain language you simply begin the healing process in that moment of allowing yourself to feel better. Integration builds and strengthens integrity. You all want that, don't you? :) The Diamond Light Infusion will greatly help you FEEL more strengthened and empowered!Now, let us begin here with what I shall call "The Three I's." These are intent, infusion and integrity, and they work for you in that order. Your intent to use this Diamond Light Energy activates your DNA to become receptive to it, whereupon it is absorbed into your auric energy field. This absorption of Diamond Light is infusion, and as it filters through your consciousness it builds or creates a sense of integrity within you. Understand that using this energy is not akin to putting up a wall of protection; on the contrary it is removing your ego defenses, one "brick" at a time (or as many and as fast as you can allow).Your intent is your "magic wand," and it manifests best when it is recognized that the Divine Will to create through joy is your one true intent. The ego finds countless ways in which to disrupt your joy, yet if you really notice you will find that it cannot touch the purity of joy; it can only leave you feeling temporarily confused or with a limited sense of security. It cannot mar the beauty and integrity of the Diamond called the soul. Therefore, know that your intent is a mighty creative force when used in service of joy.Those of you who have found this message are ready for this infusion. Do you believe it? What is Diamond Light? It is but the radiance of your own divinity, your own soul. Why do you think that diamonds are held as so "precious" by your world? Because there is a faint remembrance of your true Light, your true integrity and transparency, and the earthly diamond somehow reminds you of this, even from a cellular/DNA standpoint. Diamonds are crystalline, and like crystals they are sometimes used in your human technology. Diamonds are not a girl's best friend, but your Diamond-Soul is, as it will never fail to infuse you with more of its pure radiance.Please take a moment now and call forth the remembrance of your soul. Breathe in the Light of the Divine Diamond that you are. Be pure in your intent for this and allow it, and the Diamond Light will do the rest. This is to be an ongoing practice. You do not have to visualize anything or use any magical processes, but these are fine for awhile, until the day arrives when you are fully confident that you no longer need them. You are simply returning to yourself. That is what this process is about. Integration into your multifaceted Self, where even the many facets disappear in the pure radiance of the soul's Beingness. More...

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  • Beautiful Thank YOU!

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