Galactic Federation Of Light: Uriel's Message -- Love the Divine, Love the Human - October 5 2010

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Each person has a divine center that is a direct emanation of the Source light. No human is without light even though some choose to express that light in ways you do not understand. There are legions of souls that need to experience darkness, powerlessness, evil and suffering as part of their spiritual journey. They are also worthy of your love because they are also both divine and human. You cannot judge someone's worthiness of divinity by what their human aspects are expressing.It is easy to love those who express the highest aspects of their divinity because they do not challenge your beliefs that there is good and bad in the world and loving the bad violates spiritual law. Judging whether anyone deserves unconditional love violates the first law, which is the law of Oneness. You are all one, connected by the light which feeds and nourishes you and which makes life possible. There is no life without Spirit, so there is no life that is not divine.How can you love those who create pain and suffering, who torment you and reject you? The human that you judge also contains the divine which you love and both are equally deserving of your acceptance. Your judgments reflect your fear of your own human self which, if not constantly monitored, can express the darkest side of your own energies. All of humanity expresses both light and dark, as this is the nature of the third dimension. You cannot love one and not the other without being in judgment.Expressing unconditional love is the healing mandated through your agreement for ascension. There is no judgment, criticism or denial in love. The human knows fear while the divine knows love. The human aspect must be taught love in order to know it and that is what you do when you practice love, acceptance and non-judgment with everyone. If you connect to the fearful human through judgment you become part of their fear. When you connect to them through your divine center, you reveal their light to them and they can find their own divinity. This also begins within you, for as you love your own human self you allow your divinity to bring forth its highest aspects and this is how you create heaven on earth.Shared with Love & Light

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