Galactic Federation Of Light: Mother Earth - Serious Update - May 24 2010

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Gaia (Mother Earth) has dircted this message to the oil industries, bankers,military leaders, subversive agencies, pharmaceutical industry, religiousleaders and others supporting darkness on this planet.Greetings to you all. I will speak slowly and sincerely as you all musthear what I have to say. Some of you will act, some will react andhopefully you will respond from a considered placed. I have tolerated abuseof the air, water and earth long enough. That toleration has come to anend. I will be responding myself. There may be loss of life, massive lossof income, and dire consequences to all of you that continue to put greed,power and control first.We are coming into a whole new paradigm, one in which conscious choices areneeded to be made. It is your choice. Those of you who persist, in raping,pillaging and plundering my oil and other "unnecessary bounty" will bedowngraded to a different realm to learn your lessons with others thatrefuse ascension. It might be what you call, living your worst nightmare.For those of you with the courage to quit your current jobs and move into anew and more green perspective, avenues of personal abundance will overflow.Avenues will open up for each and every one of you. You will create whatyou focus on and you will integrate it into the rest of this life. So fearand greed will create mistrust and chaos with thousand or millions of othersfeeling and doing just the same around you. There will be no Lightworkersthere to sooth and try to cajole, encourage or shift you into a higherfrequency.Those of you who choose to take the more evolved path will be richlyrewarded on many, many levels. We know such a shift is neither easy norimmediate, yet we are at a point to demand a show of which direction youwill take. Those of you choosing a higher path, we have to see yourattempts to do this. We will be compassionate and yet the time is now. Youhave an expression IF NOT NOW, WHEN!This is not a threat, this is simply a heads up. This is what will behappening. You will no longer to be allowed to desecrate the land, oceansor my valuable resources.My recourses are valuable for me to function efficiently. The oil isunnecessary at this time as you have adequate and superior technologyavailable at this moment to be able to supersede any use of oil. Plasticscan be recycled and new products invented that are far more eco friendly.Using my oceans as a trash heap is unacceptable. Killing my wildlife,whether in the ocean or on land is unacceptable. Taking pieces of thesebeautiful animals, fish or birds for sexual stimulation, adornment, orprofiteering will cease and desist now. The big cats are not to be madeinto fur coats or rugs. Ivory will not be harvested unless caused by anatural death. We understand, it may take time to get this message out tothe artery and capillary outflow to all you have created. And yet, we willbe intolerant with any who countermand this. If one family is poaching togain income, that whole family will be at risk. Whether drugs or oil thefamilies will also be put in jeopardy. This must stop NOW. So know thatany of you who breach this, will not just harm yourselves but ALL yourrelatives are at risk.

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  • bal bla bla ...come on gaia do it... stop this oil say you wont tolerate it,welll?get busy!!!
    i dont see sheeple waking up ...they need to be hit in the head with a brick to wake up!!!!
    the eocomic crash was not enough to wake up ther majority of canadians here and they still are sleeping...
    so gaia..bring on your fury !!! im ready to assist :)
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Thanks...take care....
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