Galactic Federation of Light Drekx Omega January 29 2015
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Atlantis was founded, some 136,000 years ago by King Atlant, who gave his name to the island continent...
It's capital city was Posideia, which was not far from Bimini in the modern Bahamas, region........
The highest peaks of the vast continent, could be found in the eastern most locations, we now call the Canary islands....These are just off the coast of Africa...
Atlantis was in existence during what modern pre-historians describe as the pleistocene epoch, some 11,700 to 2.5 million years ago...
Which means an ice age caused glaciers to cover most of today's northern latitudes...The island continent did not reach as far north as Iceland...This map shows the extent of the glaciers, then, if not Atlantis, which was wroughly the size of Australia (2 million square miles) and from the Bahamas, across to the Canary Islands, including the Azores..Importantly, it was subducted by the mid Atlantic trench....which made it particularly vulnerable to breaking in half....
The star, Beta Centauri, or "Hadar," has an Arabic root meaning, which literally translates as "civilisation, settled on the ground." Other cultures attribute meaning to this star name, BUT I suspect that the Arabic is most revealing.......
Now considering that it's in the Centauri system, and considering that I've just suggested a link with an ancient surface Earth civilisation called Atlantis, an interesting association, to be sure.....
But after the great flood, many of the Hadarian royals and elites, fled and went back to Centaurus...washing their hands of the chaos they had presided over...
These late period Atlantean royals were not ascended beings and had fallen from grace, in spiritual terms.....
The much earlier epoch, founder of Atlantis, was King Atlant, who gave his name to the continent, the ocean and also the Atlas mountains of north Africa....
And of course, he was one of the Greek Titans, who appeared on Earth, before the Olympian Gods, who later opposed them....The Anunnaki...
Atlant/Atlas was a fully conscious Jschwjsch....which is the first cosmic degree...
He lived for centuries, before passing on his empire to his sons....Who, over time, reduced it's reputation for spiritual values and became more warlike, as with the destructions of Lemuria and later, Rama...
Fully conscious parents may produce fully conscious offspring, BUT, if such a being chooses to have a child with a less evolved human, the offspring will be lesser evolved.....So we see the beginnings of Kings and Queens, below par....
What really put Atlantis on a downward spiral, was the previous age of Aquarius, some 26,000 years ago, which was governed by black magic, rather than white magic....The order of that age was tyranny, across the globe...And they even described the whole Earth as property of the Titan Atlas, who held it aloft, figuratively....As a sea faring power, they had mapped the entire world and is where the word "atlas" derives...
Many of them were renegades from Centaurus and the Hadarian royals looked upon this planet as an extension of their realm, excluding inner Earth...So monarchs ruling over Centaurus and Earth, somewhat like the historical example of English kings, who ruled over England and France, during the Plantagenet Empire, of the middle ages..
The giants found are Beta Centaurians, or Hadarians of the planet Vedriknu...They stood at 20 feet in height, because their planet is 3/4 the size of Earth and although modern and even some ancient technologies, could change mass size, these rather sad giants were not in possession of it, at that time, as outcasts from Hadar and exiled to Earth...and so, eventually, gravity caused their lifespans to diminish and their hearts to give out...
However, for short periods, the giants who did size down, to comfortably adapt, as with the royals of Atlanean society, could live for centuries...And only grew to naturally giant proportions, during ceremonial occasions...
I would suggest that the bone samples undergo extensive tests to confirm their cardio-vascular ill health, which is not akin to Earth human gigantism, which is caused by an abnormal pituitary gland....In such cases, the bones grow, yet there is no proportion, so legs may be disproportionately extended, and in fact, cannot reach 20-feet, as they would fracture, easily, if they did....
In contrast to gigantism sufferers, these ancient giants, had natural proportionate bodies and were mainly built that way, as they (and Centurian ships) were presented with crew gravity signatures, somewhat lighter than Earth gravity....Certainly in practical terms...
Of course, the Hadarian exiles were not able to leave Earth easily, as outcasts, who also had not achieved the natural ascension abilities, with which to travel either, such as merkabah...Those beings were 4D space farers, marooned on Earth shores....And their planet was not a member of the GFL, in those ancient times...
I would also enjoy reading a study of any serious attempts to forensically recreate the faces of those giant skulls, as they may be surprised how similar they were to Earth people, in spite of their size...
I will also confirm that the gravity signatures of inner Earth are the same as outer Earth, as the crustal mass is the same, either side of the gravity pull and that is why Agarthans are generally around 6 feet in height, so not too different to many on the surface, who have good health and diets...
I'm looking forward to the coronation, on saturday and know that much planning and rehearsal has gone into making it a success, which we all want, on the day....
It would be far better if the ginger whinger, Harry, did not turn up, albeit he probably will, just to dampen the vibes....
An interesting take on Fox News about the coronation, with Morgan's perspective..
She claims that her friend, Prince Andrew, is actually innocent of being a recipient of trafficked girls, under the control of Epstein...I am open to that, in spite of having no royalist sentiments, nor any personal liking for royals....I would recommend that anyone who is interested in the Epstein case and it's offshoots, should view this GB News video...
Maybe, being rather stupid, like his brothers, Andrew made the wrong friendship choice in Epstein.... He is now "guilty through association." And is gagged from discussing...However, Lady Hervey can discuss the matter....It is most interesting...
You won't get this data revealed on BBC, nor CNN....
If interested, please do watch the very sane and intelligent, Lady Victoria Hervey. She is convinced of her truths and any body language expert would probably confirm them...
Meghan Markle needs to take her lefty SJW activism, 'climate footprint' self-obsession, woke celeb feminism and obvious narcissism, as far away from the realm as possible...Meghxit to the north pole and stay there, please...You are boring us...GO
The true royal must possess spiritual wisdom and genuine skill in rulership, such as Ascended Masters upon the 6th INITIATION....JHRH * IHRH
I only tolerate constitutional monarchy, because it binds together the Commonwealth and potential Anglospheric Union of C.A.N.Z.U.K. ****
Actually, the Queen has a strong sense of duty, sorely missed in other British royals....