Galactic Federation Of Light Horus April 11 2012

Views: 192
Get Embed Code comes a time in people's lives when they have to make way for changes. In those changes come many new things, and one of those things can be something that feels foreign while at the same time enjoyable. I advise any of you who are in tune with what is taking place on the globe to look at how your life has been in comparison with that of your parents and grandparents and ask yourselves, how did it all take that second look and decide to change in the way it did? Was it due to my not being aware of the subtleties of the changes, or was it because I knew on some level that it would all come back to a new semblance of the purity and simplicity of our historical images?I encourage you all to take a look at what is taking place on your world today. Does it feel foreign and at the same time much more quiet than it has for a while? Is there something that seems to be waiting in the wings to spring forth and create great changes in the way we live our lives on earth?I say that is the sign that you are tuning in to what is about to explode forth on the planet. It is about to become an eye-opening series of events that will shock many people and give all of you who have been in the know the reality that you have been waiting for. It is time now for you to take a breath and be ready to step into the shoes that have been sitting in your closet awaiting their time to be used and worn through the times of change and clearing on your beautiful world...

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"The clot shots are an attempt at global genocide."
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