Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa April 11 2012

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As the word spreads about the changes, so more of you eagerly await the first acknowledgement through the media. Also as the details of the exploits our allies and the Galactic Federation become known, so more of you hold a strong belief in the outcome. After all, it has become patently obvious that unless changes take place, Man would sink further into the mire and eventually into oblivion. Those changes are being speeded up by our intervention, and intent to ensure that Divine orders are followed that will result in your release from the dark Ones. It only remains to arrest those who exercise the most power, so that the Illuminati can no longer function as a single unit.Everything is in place for a whole series of events, so much so that you will be hard pressed to keep up with them. What we want to be able to do is to keep the masses of you well informed, so that there is no misunderstanding as to our intentions. Some people with religious expectations and desires will not accept us, as they will see our coming as different to what they have been told to expect. Indeed, some have been given to understand that we are in league with the Devil. We wish to dispel those feelings and doubts, as we are God loving and serve you in order to bring you out of enslavement...

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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"The clot shots are an attempt at global genocide."
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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Just gets crazier by the minute. Name a gov bill after a murderer."
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