Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle April 4 2012

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Dratzo! We return! Your world continues her shift to a new reality. The planet has moved nearly 2.0 degrees toward the ecliptic as a result of the increasing energies passing through your Sun from the galactic core. These energies are putting mounting pressure on the planetary grids, which also continue to shift. The same galactic core energies are creating conditions on the other water-worlds, which are moving them closer to the solar system's sacred shift point. This is when your solar system aligns with the rest of your galaxy, allowing the galaxy to significantly alter its basic spiral shape, and permitting our galaxy's reality grids to come into rhythmic alignment with the 350,000 or so galaxies that form this sector of physicality. We have been instructed by Heaven to increase our level of participation with the galactic Elohim in seeing that these adjustments proceed as decreed by the Creator and by the sacred Seraphim of AEON. This project coincides with the divine intervention now happening on your world. This divine intervention is approaching a magical point! Currently, we are watching the final steps wherein your world's reality is transformed from dark to Light. Heaven's representatives, working in concert with a number of secret sacred societies and many of your Ascended Masters, are ready to roll out a great abundance. This universal prosperity kick-starts great changes in the way your global financial and political systems operate. It is truly to be a year marked by unprecedented and unique change! The most important aspect for us is, of course, a full disclosure by various major governments of our benevolent presence and of our mission here. We are very ready to proceed with the many activities on our agenda, which conclude with those that return you to your natural state of full consciousness. As we speak, certain prerequisite actions are being carried out by designated contingents of the world's military and associated police groups. They are implementing the final stages of a mass global arrest process which will change your world forever. These arrests herald new governance and new prosperity for all!..

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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"You have a Happy Christmas as well Drekx and before long that 4.3 will rise to 4.4 and then even higher."
1 hour ago
Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"thanks for the update Col."
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Blessings to humanity from the Sirian star nation, remembering that it is always darkest before the golden dawn, of a new golden age...The vibes of the lower astral turmoil will rise, eventually, though stubbornly still at a low of 4.3... There is…"
1 hour ago
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Edward left a comment on Comment Wall
"** Brain Wave Shaking Trainning Methods............

뇌파진동 운동법이란​

가볍게 선 자세에서

말을 타듯이 양 발을 살짝 더 벌리고

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'털기','흔들기'라고 표현할 수 있는 운동(기체조)이다.........

이걸 반복적으로,계속해서

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"More Sightings in Cornwall."
8 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Cornwall sighting from December 9th."
8 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"That's a good video Randy. This one right here was filmed in the same area earlier in the month. These videos we shared definitely are gonna be saved in the UFO and ET page. Good vids :)"
8 hours ago