Galactic Federation Of Light "The Arcturian Group": May 21, 2012.

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Dear ones, we come again to remind you of the many changes you are about to see and are now seeing upon your planet. Changes are now taking place within the hearts of many who before this time seemed oblivious, allowing them for the first time, to experience the light of truth. These are the dear ones that you will soon find yourselves helping as you explain to them what is taking place on the earth and in their lives at this time. Awakening humanity is making this shift happen, dear ones. Your light is manifesting in the outer as the higher forms that you interpret as change-- higher levels of truth and understanding within all peoples and all facets of every day living.Many are rapidly becoming aware of the literal stupidity of war. In truth, all life is in and of the One Life. Therefore to treat each other as enemies and evil; killing, torturing, and maiming is simply the continuation of a very unevolved and now obsolete facet of duality and separation. Soon there will be outcries from more of the masses as is already happening in many countries regarding the end of war which lines the pockets of the powerful, and depletes the life force of all the rest.It is time to embrace means of interaction that honor the differences between cultures, Means that reflects an awareness of all life as Divine and valuable. You say that war is necessary for many do not respect the rights of others and wish harm upon us, but we say to you that war is a very unevolved tool presented to you by those who benefit by war. Much of what you have been told about your security is simply false, made up to keep the masses locked into fear, served on a platter of courage and rights. We also remind you that that which you do to another whether personally or through your support, you do to yourselves for there is only ONE LIFE...

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