G.F.L .Vrillon..(July 2010) Awaken My Children
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You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
We've been at this process for a long, long time and only now to we find ourselves on the brink of understanding the elements of consciousness, the dimensional frequencies of the sound current and the objective of the Light Bearer who started the whole thing - condensing into form. If we are evolving, then isn't it logical that the Gods would evolve as well - enjoying their creation instead of just watching it?
I've witnessed many years of attempts to 'awaken' humanity. I've been part of the attempts since childhood and being invited on board the orange cigar-shaped craft well known in the late 50s and early 60s. The connections all start within, deep inside the psyche of a quiet mind and heart.. in the Void. Now this may make sense, or it may not, yet the only way for the world to change is to take action. Feelings, thoughts and intention are key components of the matrix. Standing up for harmony among people and planet is the ultimate solution.
The latter doesn't have to take a mass showing of craft, predicted by whomever, that distracts and diminishes the effectiveness of those who know there is a mission to perform. Why so much coddling? Why so much fear? Hey, I spent time in the most horrid of situations on Thorazine because no one wanted to deal with the reality of my experience and wanted just to diagnose and label based on their medical expertise. What a load of crap. Talk about debilitating and destroying one's self-esteem. I got over it. I think we all need to 'get over it' and start collaborating offline.
The first action that needs to take place is the restructuring of the political systems on the planet. You all know this is necessary. How do we do it? Gut the House and Senate in the US and enjoy a nice remodeling project. It takes 6 years to clean house using existing election cycles. It will take a few more years for communities to find and promote those who have demonstrated trustworthy behaviors. The ETs aren't going to do this for us. We've been encourage to be responsible for our planet... so let's get to it!
We, in my humble opinion, need to step away from such distractions as proving or disproving transmissions. You know the direct connect to every form of communication is inside of you. Trust it. Test it. The more distracted we are by these outer temptations the less we pay attention to the inner realities of TRUTH. We feel the urge to merge with the Divine, the Command or whatever ascended consciousness one aspires to attain.
I'm with you -- I don't think the 1977 message was some crazy hoax. Apparently it was broadcast across 6 or 7 stations and there was no hacker technology to do this at that time. I was also impressed with the similar vein of that message and this one.
There are several YouTube's of the audio from the 1977 message. Here's a link to one. The text in the video is hard to read but it's transcribed below the video. What's amusing in this one are the comments about the broadcast interruption which starts at 6 minutes.