"A college student struggling with strange occurrences finds his place in the world and amongst the stars." This is the full length short done at the end of ...
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The being sees him self on earth and above the stars he knows now he is not seperated from the universe his light and love shines the whole universe we are one in this ocean of love and light
Thanks for your support guys. After watching this, my script writing teacher asked me, "Who is this movie for?" (implying it would have little or now audience), I answered... "My people." Glad you all enjoy it. You can follow the The Hybrid Series facebook page if you feel so inclined. But since they ARE for you guys, I'll post the new ones here as well. *wink <3 <3 <3 <3
"Good news as January 6th prisoners are now being set free. Hopefully soon we get the truth about what really went down on January 6th. We are off to a great start though. We are now leaving the Paris climate treaty scam also and as mentioned earlier…"
"Yeah I looked more into it Andromedaner Z. It is indeed a NASA program. With NASA being shady that might be something to keep an eye on. Who knows maybe by some miracle NASA stops being shady lol."
very good...your teacher doesn't realize this will make sense to ALL of us...eventually
I love the how this was all put together!
Thanks for your support guys. After watching this, my script writing teacher asked me, "Who is this movie for?" (implying it would have little or now audience), I answered... "My people." Glad you all enjoy it. You can follow the The Hybrid Series facebook page if you feel so inclined. But since they ARE for you guys, I'll post the new ones here as well. *wink <3 <3 <3 <3
Oh wow,that was profound,,and brought a tear of joy to my eyes,,thank you for sharing :)
Thank You for sharing!!
I know how he feels!
Great job!!
awesome!! keep em coming! :)