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"It's going to be fun sending their asses to Mars after the ascension event. Maybe after many thousands of years they can evolve and learn to be good little boys and girls lol. I do feel bad for the inner Mars folks there who have to babysit those…"
"And that's why we see their last desperate attempts to control the people...They had undeserved power, for too long and now that is ending..It sends chills down their spines....They fear their future, just as we welcome the golden age....The…"
"Gitmo and other prisons can't come soon enough for all of them. The World needs all of these individuals gone and soon."
"Yes, many assume that these bizarre behaviours and policies, by comrade Starmer and his chums, are "incompetence." But in truth, the blantantly destructive policies are designed to degrade the lives of Britons...To make us poorer, weaker, smaller…"
"Calling Keir Starmer a complete idiot is being a little too nice as it said in the title of that one video. I think he and these other leaders are way beyond the title of complete idiot lol and these fools coming after everybody's free speech is…"
"Evil UK regime seek to oppress free speech....They hate people thinking for themselves.""
"ha..British political leaders and especially Labour, are truly causing massive distrust of their office....Divine discontent is becoming an hourly expansion, in Britain...One disaster after another, which is bringing the dark down to oblivion....Let…"