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Chapter II THE SON OF MAN“GOD IS LOVE, AND HIS LOVE CREATES, AND CREATES AGAIN.”The delicious words of love lead to the ardent kiss of adoration. The sexual act is the…
"Ara-Supposedly Niburu is directly opposite Earth behind the sun, as I'm sure you've heard-Apparently every so many 1000's of years Niburu can be seen from Earth-is that correct?"
"That indeed was a good video Randy. I'll have to check out that channel since they seem to have tons of other material as well."
"I thought you might enjoy this Justin. A very large craft filmed over Area 51 with night vision. It looks like it might be landing at the site.""
"Merry Christmas 🎄 Drekx and AC members. Yes absolutely, we will stay focused and the dark will not prevent the inauguration of the Golden Age on Earth. The Light will not allow it. We are on one positive timeline which leads to humanity's…"
"Niburu at 4:23
<iframe width="1366" height="768" src="" title="Helicopter chasing Dones/Orbs/UAPs/UFOs in Florida" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope;…"
<iframe width="1366" height="768" src="" title="Helicopter chasing Dones/Orbs/UAPs/UFOs in Florida" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope;…"