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"All these individuals involved in the Covid scam need to be put in Nuremberg trials. Fauci, the CIA, and the many others. Let none of them escape for what they did."
"All these individuals involved in the Covid scam need to be put in Nuremberg trials. Fauci, the CIA, and the many others. Let none of them escape for what they did."
"An analysis of "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up" (or "Lucifer Rising") with the current Venus Retrograde will be done on Spring Equinox next week. I have successfully predicted three mass murders during this Lucifer Rising phase; social temperament…"
Rules for Mercury Retrogade ("do's and don'ts") are at the end under "Conclusion." Mercury Retrograde AND a red-colored Moon lunar eclipse take place in Washington D.C. on Friday, March 14, 2025. BAD NEWS: this Mercury Retrograde period may be a bad…
Divine Freedom Lies Within You By The Plains Walker 9th Dimensional Pleiadians Council on FreedomGreetings Dear ones, we are the 9D Pleiadian Council and we are overjoyed to be able to connect with you all.Today we would like to speak to you…