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Mary Rodwell obtained over 1600 ET contactee testimonies, that indicates how advanced extraterrestrial intelligences are preparing the human psyche to accept their presence on our planet.Evidence of complex extraterrestrial programs, which will enable us to interact with and communicate with them, as well as understand our place in the cosmos.This involves downloads of data such as our true genetic origins, using our psi skills with advanced technology, manipulation of matter, astrophysics and healing. Coupled with genetic, and spiritual programs for awakening of human consciousness, to assist humanity to evolve into a fully functional multidimensional human.In this video Mary talks about ordinary people, doctors and lawyers who have experienced being on board Spaceships. Even children report seeing their families interacting with extraterrestrials on more craft. Mary put this into perspective as she explains life's work with experiencers and how she believes that the ETs are upgrading humans into a new species, Homo Noeticus. The New Humans.Mary Rodwell presented "The New Human - Starchildren & Indigos" on Sunday 8th August, 2010 at the Leeds Exopolitics Expo.
Yea ! Finished watching yesterday evening... remarkable conference everyone on AC should see ;)
Glad to see it has been watched 82 times in 24 houres :)