Max Igan - Pateo Radio Netherlands - Sept16th - 2013

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very enlighting video loyalitypeace truth love kindness patiencedignity ethicfaithR.A.C.U.Nracoon teamdivine anarcho-socialist mornarchyonenessfraternity libertyreiki sufism taoism gnostic falung-gong druideboudha krishna sethqi-gong yogaholistic medecineninjitsustudycarl sagan global visionmystic path to cosmic power vernon howardR.I R.V gerald o`donnellbiology of belief bruce liptonspontanious healing of belief greeg bradenking and queen of infinityteacher sonia barrett , mitchel gibsongerald o`donnell , marc chauvette , bruce liptontony samara , max igan , deepak choprawhen your telepathic ability actvate you will be lead to your guide and meet the master of humanityread book by joshep cambel and carl jungwe need a revolution but as we know it no mather how strong is the guide if the individu are weak mentaly it will fail to bring positive change we have see it with the maharishi and santya sai baba to make real change the devote must aquire its own manhood and divinity the revolution that we speak about is to bring higher consciensciousness and beter respect betwen man and nature to restore the human to thier rightfull place wich is costodian of the land and not a abuser of natural resource their is no such thing as waste everything can be transform forever the global awakening is to bring a spontanious evolution into something greater that we can imagine life start with self responsability and direct experience we have being program for milinia to give all our power to idol a free individual in toch with inner knowledge have more power that all gouvernement combine dont transfer loyality to money politician guru priest and pope be loyal to what is right and just for all.fear lie stress and anxiety lower your inteligence love truth joy and happiness bring you to higher inteligence.if a action is not base on rightiousness dont do it we will built the new atlantis in the coutry of quebec we will restore natural law bring back holistic culture and resurect native culture and way of life we will bring the rainbow warrior prophecy we will succed we will bring down the wall of ignorance and and betwen people and nation we will shine accros the universe.

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Edward posted a status
Thanks...take care..
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** The Brain (captured)
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** The Brain (captured)
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The more U allow love 2 come forth from within ur heart, the more u will expand spiritually. Without u, the Universe would not B complete.
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