Mutlitute of alien craft around our Sun
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You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
Please keep in mind that each object is Earth sized or LARGER.... our Sun is a portal.... as are most.... ever wondered how UFO's go from one system to another? The shortest distance between 2 points IS NOT A STRAIGHT LINE!!!..... take a sheet of paper..... draw 2 dots, one on either end ( representing neighbouring star systems )..... go ahead and draw the line that WE WERE ALL TAUGHT AS BEING THE SHORTEST distance..... this is a perfect example of linear time ( our current 3 dimensional world )....NOW.... let's do it THEIR way..... with the same sheet of paper ( dots included )..... fold it half so that the 2 dots over lap one punch a hole through it. Ta Da!! It's not about what you believe or know..... it's about what you don't..... bending space and time ( which is the 4th dimension ) allows for such feats.