Part 21 - Pleiadian Alaje - Spiritual Wisdom - HEALING THE SOCIETY - English Sub

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This film was produced by ALAJE THE PLEIADIAN with the energetic support of spiritual humans and light-beings from other planets and dimensions, many earthly efforts and costs and loving supporting friends, to help earth humans to develop an awareness of Universal Love.

May it reach many people and open their heart for love and friendliness.

Watch the Pleiadian Light-ships that I recorded fort this video.

They have a spiritual consciousness and are radiating Cosmic Love Energy that can help everybody to activate a higher love frequency.

With english subtitles for deaf people.

If you wish to support my Lightwork in form of a donation energy, please visit 

And go to the lightwork donation section.

ALAJE from the light dimensions of the Pleiades, (Spiritual Videos since 2006)

The meaning of Life is to have Love in your Heart and develop the consciousness****

Cosmic Love is the solution for everything ****

Activate your Love in your Heart and send it daily to

planet Earth. Use my Meditations from parts 4, 6, 10 and 18 of my Videos.

Watch the videos with in different language subs on 

in the playlists.

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  • Blessings, it's beautiful to tune into the sacred sites with the group, and Alaje's lightship footage is really beautiful...also I feel an inner recognition of these ships, and when I've had Pleiadian ships decloak here, the small ones have been circular/bell-shaped, but the motherships have all been cylindrical, like the ones in his footage and photos... thank you for sharing his Cosmic Love outlook and vibration... blessings and love... 💛✨🙂
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