The Event - Ezrah of The Pleiadian Council brings clarity: Jan 11 2021 **Now with subtitles Donald and Melania Trump - Higher Purpose - Hybrid - dreams, visions visitations - The Game 5 levels - Med beds - Revelations and announcement coming - Security System activated - Agitators/looters dealt with - our planet is bigger than we have been told - rings of continents - Lyran, Arcturan, Galactic - Formless Ones - as above so below - choice - not red or blue - Meditate on only the Righteous enters the world - What is love and Light of the Universe, True Love, Love as a weapon - T'Gaina - DNA - Hormonal Balance - see the Lyran Books that outline how this came about and who the main players really are - at We are also on Bitchute
The Event - Pleiadian Council **Now with subtitles
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