The Lie We Live

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Exposing the truth about our world. My name is Spencer Cathcart and this is a video I wrote & created called "The Lie We Live". If you'd like to see more vid...

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  • Well said Hellen,

    At this time, it's important that we realize that the way through all of this is not with violence.  The way through all of this is by each of us reclaiming our individual power through the choices we make and organizing with like-minded others; focusing upon the transformational power of unconditional love.

    To expect that our systems of governance and media will hear our collective voices and change the way they operate to conform with  win/win plans moving forward.


  •   corporations are creating clones and robotics using their assistance in operating rooms,factories,hostage crises,in times of war, for dangerous work conditions and other areas where humans cannot venture such as traveling in deep space.this reality for them ..always has been .this all goes back to world 1 and 2 and  at the time Germany at greatest height in advance technology perhaps through Nicola Tesla ,Royal Rift and other inventors at the time and not but least Aliens ..they probably fooled a lot scientist at the time...remember they also have their imperfections ..imposters ..

  •   what is most disturbing is the graphic pictures of the slaughter of animals and people and this has been on going for centuries.Its very disturbing to see the suffering of people in war torn countries and the inhumane treatment of animals in slaughter houses,pet shops,zoos,and intertainment industries.etc..people know about this but refuse to knowledge the disturbing reports of the suffering of all beings on this planet including the mother nature.In order to save this planet from corporate greed i believe many could lose their lives at the hands of tyrants,dictators and its no laughing matter the things they do to people .they don't just kill people they have ways to do more damage ..yes, it is quite disturnbing to these images in the news but other sources tell the true reality of these atracites occuring all over the planet and this has beening going for centuries.War is gencide killing millions of people and wipping out civilizations and races that once existed here .Yesturday i saw what the country of Indoesnia can to the people of New Guinea and my heart was so heavy for the suffering of indigenous people battling to protect the land they have lived on for thousands of years.i don't know what makes these people so brutel and curel to an other race .What is most disturbing is the kind of weapon they use against the Papuan people and usually the leader is targgeted amoung the group of protestors..i saw the how this leader had gaping wounds all over his body and he was alive at the time they showed him and one of his hand had deep wounds it was terrible sight..These are graghic sences and i kept thinking of taking part in prostesting against this kind of cruelty and letting others know what kind of barbric system needs to come down.i once met a war 2 vetaran who fought in one of Asian countries and has spoken about ''the thousand cuts'' this .. i believe that Asian know the physical body every well after all they are skillful in art of  martial arts..Every culture is not immune to such horrific acts of cruelty .its really unfortunate that the courts don't have tougher laws to stop these crimes .The 119 was created because in 1964 a tragic incident took place in at a residence of a young lady in which she died of her wounds and no one reached out to help her but is most disturbing about this case was that people look on ...yes, its very sad but this many more like this ..fear is what controls people and many of the residents living in the area where the victims of concentration camps at the time ..

  •   yes, corporations have always control this planet through the minds of people...sad ..

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