The Thought Vibration In Universe ( Echo ) - Dj MrFlanell

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The Thought Vibration In Universe ( Echo ) - Dj MrFlanellAll the thinking goes to the Universe were it gathers and other people can pick that thought upso if you think possetive thinking about you it goes out to the universe and then if you meet someone they can if they choose a thought that you sended out and they will start think just like thatso if you thinkthat i am that persion that is right for mesomeone other can pick that up and then it becomes like this " that persion is right for me"and you dosent have to say a word or do something special you just can bee there and that other persion can if they choose that thought and they will think thatso think possetive thoughtsif a negative thought come just let it go and choos another possetive onebecose i think you whant possetive in your life and not negativei am lovely, i am cute i am will hug you *smiling happy*

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