UFO's orbiting the Sun April 15, 2011 - Each object is Earth size of larger....April 15, 2011

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Observation time 0.00 - 19.05 UT. In the video, consider all time intervals in which there are UFOs. At the beginning of the video quickly reproduced observa...

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  • "Although it would be cool, its very doubtful. The sun burns at a temperature so great that it would burn a ship in seconds. My grandfather is worked for NASA and he says they are heat emissions from the sun"

    If the objects were made from the same material as our spacecraft then yes it would fry in an instancem but suppose the aliens make their craft from a substance unknown to man then why not.

  • Although it would be cool, its very doubtful. The sun burns at a temperature so great that it would burn a ship in seconds. My grandfather is worked for NASA and he says they are heat emishions from the sun. But he has also told me that they have pictures of alien crafts of the moon which they where not allowed to expose due to the fear that people would question there governments and wonder what else they are lying about and hiding from the public. So its all about the fear that are governemts will loose controll. Tell this to everyone you know.

  • Everybody I know keeps saying the same thing... that they "know" we are not alone here or out there.  I find that the only thing I can do is keep talking about how they are Christed entities and not to be feared.  I find listening to the sounds of the universe and watching these objects go round and round is most comforting and makes each day easier to swim through.  Thanks for a beautiful video.
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