Chapter XIV
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Chapter XIV
Above photo from; this was the last reported photo of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa together in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For years, actor Gene Hackman’s doting and protective wife Betsy Arakawa would…
The Global Stargate Circle Monthly MeditationFrom The Stargate ExperienceVideo Link: The Global Stargate Circle - Meet up and meditate with Stargaters and new friends from around the world… Listen to…
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Read more…How To Manifest By Master Kuthumi & Natalie Glasson...Greetings beloved beings of love, light and wisdom, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honor to be in your presence and to embrace you in my love. My love surrounds you always. I am a gentle caring…
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Read more…...🚨🚨🚨 Everyone Has A Unique & Sacred Role !!!...You are a part of something greater. Something that was prophesied, written in the stars and etched in the heart of every awakened soul. Humanity has reached a crucial point in its evolution, and…
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Actually...NOPE.....all bluster, all propaganda, all B/S, from the biggest clown nation on Earth and it's dark cabal backers, in the western elite power structures, who have willingly kowtowed to the reds, ever since Henry Kissinger's diplomacy, in 1972, BY DESIGN....
It's all contrived...Technology is stolen from the west and lavished to China's corporations, by western traitors...and we know who they are and so does Trump...However, not going to work and these CCP numbskulls have not the wit, nor ability, to truly dominate all of us...
But if you observe the technical accomplishments of western corporations, such as Boston Dynamics, chance that the west is chance...So we can all sleep soundly in our beds, after all, knowing that Chinese robots are only toys for children to play with.....Our robots are real and far superior....
As for Trump tariffs on China....GREAT NEWS....keep it going...
As for that laughable PLA boy, dance band...This just goes to show that they are better at stage performances, than actual fighting and explains well, as to why these useless toy soldiers, are unable to take Taiwan, as I suggested would be the case, Months ago...Robotic marches and dancing, maybe....Actual soldiering, no way...Did this comment cause a loss of face for the CCP...?? You betchya...albeit, the people cannot read it over there, behind their e-Wall..Chinese people are treated like mushrooms by the CCP...In the dark and covered in s**t.....
Chuck (the schmuck) Schumer, Is now officially under criminal Investigation....And he will be followed by many more swamp rats.....Funny how things turn out, eh Chucky...??😉
I like adventure, but would never eat Chinese food, in the PRC, knowing what I know about it......I hope she used a Sirian device, known as a "modarin gurixiter," before eating and drinking Chinese nosh and water....?? Albeit, the vid below does not show any jewellery resembling said device....
But I did and always warn about not being prepared for the Chinese cultural shock....and wished the Rus maiden well.....She panicked at one point, not able to communicate with her Chinese friend and also her family, back in Russia, by e-Comms....What a mad country China is, but don't let the CCP get ya down..LOL
Telepathy is a must, if you're stranded without email and any e-Comms a country where many do not speak English, French, Russian, Italian, nor Spanish..
And of course, without the locals being able to tell her, no taxi drivers who could comprehend and without street maps, she could not locate the Russian consulate in Shanghai, at 20 Huang Pu Rd....And any lost tourist should always attempt to contact a national embassy or consulate...
And so the Russian app, Messenger VK, was key to resolution...
However, let's provide a little more data, for other intrepid travellers to China..?
Visit Hong Kong first, where you can buy a sim card for travelling to the mainland PRC, which works with a Hong Kong IP, so that you can access Gmail, Google Maps, Facebook, et al, without using VPN, before visiting China...
And if that fails, just teleport me into the capital, directly...far less red tape...
Let's see more of the "taiji" in China, which has rays 1-3.....and we certainly see the yin yang, as with all other nations..As for their bureaucracy, well the less said, the better...
Just a reminder, for whoever may be curious, GFL personnel of Ground Crew may possess email addresses, but ETs and Ascended Masters do not...As technically, they use other methods to communicate with ashramic disciples, living incarnational lives, on the ground, in all surface Earth nations.....
Even well versed externalised Masters, such as Master Rakoczi, versed in Earth life, choose to not use PCs and cellphones....They require that disciples develop psychic skills, only, for comms...
Moreover, we live in a world currently run, albeit not for much longer, by a dark cabal and minions and that means all electronic comms are monitored, by NSA, GCHQ, etc...Including what I'm writing here....
The secret discussions and plans, between Masters and disciples, would be revealed to the dark, if email and cellphones were common practice and that will not do...So it must be psychic means and even the most well trained remote viewers find it difficult, when up against superior psychic prowess...
If telepathy cannot be achieved, there are alternatives, including night training upon the dream state astral, synchronicity, using symbols, and mental impressioning, which requires a degree of development of the higher mind, as it steps down energies and thoughtforms, to the lower concrete mind...So that relay process must be functional....
The Arcturians are making sweeps across the world, aiding this development, with a variety of human beings, to expedite telepathy....Which is the premier method, short of actually physical contact, in which an ascended being may meet, face to face...
The Arcturian health teams are making adjustments to all who are attempting contact..The key is intent....With a freewill intention, adjustments will be made to the four-body system and the chakras, which are now developing to thirteen....
A ship's commander may be selected prior to a mission, but by the end of that mission, he, or she, might be replaced by a sub-commander promotion....or a different clan, taking on that role, as suitable...It's based upon MERIT, at each given moment, when a task, or problem, requires resolution.....It's never based upon race or gender....There is no "positive discrimination."
And in the GFL, there are only two sexes; male and female....The Ummac Dan (Sirian language, meaning representative of creation,) displays that truism, as gold and silver.....The purple is the creation male, silver female...🫡
(No ifs, no buts, just facts....!!)