Dragon Fire Attunements
Beloveds!Dragons are Here!http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/events/dragon-fire-attunements
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Beloveds!Dragons are Here!http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/events/dragon-fire-attunements
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hello everyone
Kiehsa - Little Grandmothers Urgent Advive - to use QUARTS - Crystals NOW:
Please spread this info to those you love.. Let every member of the Tribe of Many Colors here my words and connect to one another and Mother with a small peice of quarts...
"A clear quarts crystal.. just clear quarts... and yes please share this info.. the children of men will once again remember who they are and stand... to defend their mother and themselves threw love... we are the ones we have been waiting for and the time is upon us to unite with Mother Gaia again.. let our hearts beat as one.. Clear quartz is what is needed!!l
Kiesha Crowther - Little Grandmother - December 9, 2010
Here in the UK we have had fleets of orange lights flying over London in the past few weeks.