
 “What is aspiration? Aspiration is our inner mounting cry. What is Compassion? Compassion is God’s all-loving Light and Delight. In the spiritual life we start with aspiration, and aspiration soon takes us to realizations. But even realizations feels that it is not sufficient, and it takes us to revelation. Then revelation feels that it is not complete, and it takes us to manifestation. And what is manifestation? Manifestation is the flowering of our inner Divinity. Divinity we always had, but it was implicit; it was dormant. This Divinity has to come to the fore and be manifested here on earth. And this manifestation is called the perfection of nature, the perfection of our earthly existence.

But when we practice - we learn to feel our conscious, constant and inseparable oneness with God, our Inner Pilot (Thought Adjuster)

Spirituality is not something unearthly. It is not something abnormal. It is not something unusual. Spirituality is something normal, natural and most fulfilling. If someone tells you that in order to practice true spirituality and discover the highest Truth, you have to shun society, you have to enter into the Himalayan caves, then I wish to say that this advice is incorrect. Spirituality, real spirituality, tells us to stay here on earth and feel the existence of God in the multifarious activities of our day-to-day life. We have to brave the challenge of the world. We have to fight against the enemies that we have deep within us: fear, doubt, anxiety, jealousy and imperfection. If we retreat to the Himalayan caves or to the farthest reaches of the globe, then our nature will remain imperfect. We have to conquer these undivine, hostile forces right here and now — here on earth, in the midst of society. Divine love is the song of expansion. The first message - is self-discovery. When we practice concentration, meditation and contemplation, slowly, steadily and unerringly we bring to the fore our inner wealth and serve mankind, fulfilling the Inner Pilot, the Supreme, within us. “ Sri Chynmoy

To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour - William Blake

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  • https://youtu.be/l6Wpwvf7M_w
    The Southern Television broadcast interruption was a broadcast signal intrusion that occurred on 26 November 1977 in parts of southern England
    [The transmission] occurred on 26 Nov 77 at 5:12 p.m. when a strange unknown voice overrode, took over, or super-modulated the TV signals from five transmitters that were monitored by the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) in England. IBA did not detect the intrusion. The 5+1/2-minute message overrode a scheduled newscast read by Ivor Mills on Southern ITV, England, and was heard by listeners as far away as Andover, London, Newbury, Oxford, Reading, Southhampton, and Winchester.
    IBA engineers at Croydon, Surry did not hear the override, and at the main transmitter at Southhampton, Hants monitoring system, there was also no evidence of the takeover. A police spokesman told AP and UPI that the message was taken seriously:
    "They were frightened and generally scared."
    The voice spoke slowly and deliberately, with a strange inward authority, calm, serene, never scolding. It said:
    This is the voice of Gramaha, the Representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you.

    For many years now you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your worlds so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your worlds and the beings on our worlds around you.

    This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The new age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

    Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. For many years your scientists, governments and generals have not heeded our warnings; they have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the earth and the beings of your sister worlds, in a moment.

    The wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come. We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realized this -- that atomic energy is always directed against life. It has no peaceful application. Its use, and research into its use, must be ceased at once, or you all risk destruction. All weapons of evil must be removed.

    The time of conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the highest planes of evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this.

    You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

    Hear now the voice of Gramaha?, the representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you -- the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends giving you worthless dross in return.

    Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within, that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you, and you will lead yourselves on to the path of evolution.
    This is our message to you our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light, and will do all we can to help you.
    Have no fears, seek only to know yourselves and live in harmony with the ways of your planet earth. We of the Asta Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the planes of your existence.
    May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the Cosmos.

    Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern...
  • Beautiful music, thanks Vlada
  • http://www.arasartgallery.com/uploads/3/3/8/2/3382331/9983300.jpg
    The Story behind the Photograph of the Risen Christ

    This story describes how a very special photograph of the Risen Christ was manifested by Sri Sathya Sai Baba for a visitor to one of his ashrams known as Prasanthi Nilayam - which means the Abode of Peace - in Puttaparti, India, in 1985. I relay the details to you as they were conveyed to me by Barbara McAlley, a friend who I met 'quite by chance' amongst a throng of people at Bombay airport in July 1987.

    We established an immediate rapport, both being English, although she had been living in New Zealand for the past twenty years. When Barbara first showed me this wondrous photograph of the Risen Christ in our hotel room in Bombay, I couldn't wait to hear her story of how it had come into being, knowing it was more than just a coincidence that we had met. Barbara had been a devotee of Sathya Sai Baba, who many people feel is the Avatar of this Age, for a number of years. Now she was just returning from her second visit to see him. She was carrying this photograph of the Risen Christ with her not only because it had originated in Puttaparti in the first place but also because she always took the picture with her when she travelled. In 1985 Barbara had gone to Puttaparti with a friend from New Zealand. Her friends who at the time was very much caught up with all the suffering of Christ, had with her two items which she hoped Sai Baba would bless for her - a crucifix and a black and white photograph of a computer printout of the image of Christ taken from the Turin Shroud. Daily they had attended darshan, a Sanskrit word meaning the devotional seeing and gazing upon (as a blessing) of the Master, in order that they might sit at the feet of their Lord.

    "On one such occasion Sai Baba stopped in front of them and looked at the items that Barbara's friend held out to him for a blessing. However he refused to accept the crucifix. When will we Christians take Christ off the cross and place him in his proper context? It has been said of the cross at another time, "Let the longer piece of the cross represent God's Will and the shorter piece your will. If you lay the two pieces side by side, parallel to each other, there is no cross. It is only when your will conflicts with God's will, when you cannot say Thy Will be done, O Lord, that the cross is created. If your will acquiesces with God's will, there is no cross. The way to take down the cross: therefore, is always to accept gladly and lovingly whatever trial, pain or loss God sends and surrender your ego". Then, as Sai Baba focussed his attention on her friend's photograph of Christ, Barbara watched spellbound as with a lift and a wave of his hand Sai Baba drew from that photograph of the Turin Shroud the black and white image of Christ until there was nothing left but a blank sheet of gloss paper. Then, in the same manner, he created on that blank sheet (just as if it were in a developing tray in a darkroom) the colour image of the Risen Christ as you see it today. This image has eyes so full of love and compassion that they comfort and touch you on a deep inner level when you come into its range of vision. Then, with a blessing for the two women from New Zealand, Sai Baba went on his way, knowing full well that life would never be the same for them again! This seems to be the case for all those who have visited Sai Baba, including myself.

    Barbara has commented that if she does nothing more with her life than pass on copies of this photograph, she will be well satisfied! She has also said that this experience with Sai Baba has proved to be an encouragement for her to go on and achieve things which she had previously thought to be quite impossible. Although I did not choose to create an opportunity to see this photograph of the Risen Christ or to meet Barbara when we were together at the ashram, it would seem that it was 'arranged' by Sai Baba that we should meet shortly afterwards in that crowded airport in Bombay in order that I might be instrumental in distributing this very special photograph in Europe and America and in various other countries around the world.

    Barbara said, during our first conversation in the hotel, that it was apparent to her that Sai Baba wanted me to have the photograph and to take it hack to England. Apparently I had ignored the invitation whilst staying at his ashram, and so the photograph had to be placed before me in such a fashion that I could not ignore it! It was a case of when Mohammed won't come to the mountain, then the mountain has to come to Mohammed. Barbara and I continue to keep in touch with each other's progress and we are both very much aware of how close we are, not only to each other, but to the Source."
  • Yes, old 'something'. Based on this info: https://shambala.mirtesen.ru/blog/43919750568/CHto-iskal-Ernst-Muld...
    " Expedition “In the footsteps of ancient civilizations” led by Gleb Bokiy (this department existed from 1921 to 1938. He also dealt with magic in all its manifestations. The main goal was to understand the phenomenon of zombification or “measuring” people that existed on the Kola Peninsula. On The Kola Peninsula was dominated by Noids - shamans of the Sami people or, in other words, Lapps. Lapps are reindeer herders, there are not many of them left - about three thousand. Interestingly, they have very light blue, almost white eyes. On the Kola Peninsula, two expeditions of the German organization "Ahnenerbe" - "Heritage of the Ancestors" (an SS bureau that conducted research from Tibet to Antarctica) were organized. The goal was one - to master the technique of zombies.

    What did they find on the Kola Peninsula? They found out that yes, the phenomenon of "measuring/ «мерячение»" really existed. And it still exists to some extent. The Noids knew and still know a spell that allows people to enter a state of zombies. Moreover, this spell allowed the Saami to survive in the harsh conditions of the North - polar night, frost, winds. This spell was pronounced in the form of an unexpected shout and the person entered a state of trance - kevve. But the military did not understand that shamans are the guides of God and it is impossible to force them to do anything, and they are not afraid of death. “Imagine,” exclaims Ernst Muldashev, “what a blessing that no one won the battle for zombies during World War II, no one was able to use the skill of shamans!” In addition, - continues the professor, - before the start of the expedition, we were faced with the question of Hitler's flying saucers. We knew that somewhere in these parts the Germans were testing aircraft created using so-called magical technologies. And we saw the place where these saucers were launched. A scientist from Murmansk - Vladislav Troshin - found unusual circles on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the town of Liinakhamari. On the shore in this place there is not a very high hill. But it has three distinguishing features. The first is that water oozes from any stone. If the stone is cut, then water will drip from it. There are no swamps or streams there, and it is completely incomprehensible where the water comes from in the stones. The second is that there are a lot of wide quartz veins that go, as they say, almost to the core of the Earth.
    And the third feature of this slide is that there are seids there. These are oval stones, weighing many tons, placed on level ground in an unusual way. They stand contrary to the laws of physics, it seems that the center of gravity should outweigh, and the stone should fall, but it stands. Some kind of energy holds them. Seydy at every step - every five to ten meters. Who put them like this? Unknown. Moreover, quite a lot of fresh seids. Locals say that some appeared just last year. There are many German artillery batteries there. This area was very fortified. And on this hill there is a pit seven meters deep, about 40 meters in diameter, dug into the rocky ground. And it has four circles of different diameters made of concrete of very good quality. The pit is filled with water. We found on the Internet declassified materials of the Ahnenerbe expedition about magical technologies. The essence of technology is this: magicians, mostly Tibetan lamas, received information from space - what, where and how to build. And in Ahnenerbe, a talented engineer Viktor Schauberger was found, who was able to make flying saucers using these technologies at German factories. There were three types of plates. They differed in diameter. And these plates were tested somewhere on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. The engine of these plates was water. In the center of the plate was a cavity filled with water. Around her was an electromagnetic motor that set the water in motion, dispersing it in a circle. The saucers were also launched from the water. On the sides of the pool were two more engines that dispersed the water in it. But all this worked only after the magician cast a spell on the water. Water swirled at great speed in the plate itself and in the pit. A water vortex appeared, an anti-gravity effect appeared, the saucer took off. According to the descriptions, the saucer flew at an average speed of 21,000 kilometers per hour. The plane overcomes 800-900 kilometers.

    Judging by these descriptions, we can say that the tests took place on this very slide, which we saw. There is a lot of water, it rises by itself. Seids are the energy system of the Earth. Quartz veins are conductors of energy. When we analyzed the circles, everything coincided with the descriptions of the Ahnenerbe expedition. By the way, in this village, Liinakhamari, there is the building of "Ahnenerbe". And then the Germans were afraid that magicians - noids, shamans, lamas would fall into the hands of the NKVD, and shot them in the Mauthausen concentration camp. And the creator of the plates, Viktor Schauberger, survived. And after the war, the Americans invited him, offered him a lot of money and asked him to start making plates again. He replied: - I don’t need money, all the schemes are in my head, I can find the mountain with water and seids where we conducted tests. But there are no mages! They stayed in Mauthausen. And without spells, I can't do anything. In addition to the studies carried out on this mountain, the expedition of Ernst Muldashev visited the sacred Sami lake - Seydozero/Сейдозере,, with which many legends are associated and which is considered one of the alleged places of existence of one of the previous earthly civilizations - Hyperborean. There are walls of unknown origin under the water. But since the expedition members did not have special equipment for underwater work, and there were no such tasks, they limited themselves to a superficial study and inspection of the surrounding places."
    • Woah,now that is extremely interesting article,and its kinda like a history that hasn't got out into the rest of the world, I bet millions of Westerners dont know anything about this place or what went on up there,I had read about the Germans creating spaceships..looking at those pyramids in the other images though, I dont believe they were human constructed,they look totally natural volcanic formed to me, I do know there is one in Bosnia however that has been partially excavated & claimed to be human created but its still not proved 100% yet. Such interesting topics..thanks for sharing all this in here Ara
    • Thanks Vlada, there is so much more out there :))

      As to pyramids – I used to go to this special place back in Russia Pidan Height: 1332 meters. - from the Jurchen language the word means "stones poured by God." My family call it the ‘place of power’ – lots of anomaly there, to me it is very much looks like some form of pyramid, or formation of something. In ancient time it considered to be a sacred place, like Mecca ( pilgrims would take place there) and have many legends like this one:
      Maori - Pidan is completely made of stones, then the guards will also be made of stone. And they were called Maori. These are huge stones that protect sacred places on the mountain. That's just how they do it, what kind of places they are, and why they are sacred - no one knows.
      By the way, the so-called "Devil's finger" - this is the same Maori - Pidan's stone guard. According to legend, there were 27 of them. No one knows where they went. Perhaps they went to Easter Island?
      Another one is Shubi and their magic mirrors : The Shubi people also inhabited Mount Pidan. These were such advanced "people" that pilgrims flocked to them from all over the world for unusual buildings and wisdom. Once a traveler came to discover the secret of these mirrors. Not only did they become transparent in the sun, they could also show the past with the future.
      There are also magical signs on the stones: stripes, curls, some kind of "bowls" and inclusions of other minerals the signs of ancient civilizations and is called the "trace of God." Anyway based on native tribes.
    • Oh woah you have me totally mesmerised in all this info,...please continue to share more on these things as I've never heard of any of it before,probably others know nothing on it either,...but are you actually meaning the word Moai or moʻai which are monolithic human figures not the word Maori,which are the native people over here in NZ...though some of the Maori people here do claim that their ancestors came from Rapanui in Easter Island...and they also claim that they traveled there to Easter Island from Chile on straw rafts...Do you think that these Shubi people were maritime travellers much like the Vikings? as I do know they had a stone called the sun stone this sunstone had polarizing attributes and was used as a navigational instrument by seafarers in the Viking Age,hense why they travelled so far to other countries,could this be the secret mirrors you mention?...and the reason I ask this is over here in NZ there's a huge stone monolithic wall,in the Kaimanawa State Forest in central North Island by Taupo & that the Maori claim it was made by a earlier civilisation before they arrived here even,and that it was said to have been made by huge giants with red hair in their legends..you can take a road trip via video to take a look at it...


      Now the fact you mention magical signs in stone of stripes,curls bowls, now thats sounding extremely interesting & very tribal,are there any of these stone artifacts still around to be witnessed today,or is this all in tribal tales only?
    • the petroglyphs/art rocks could be found not right on the Pidan, but deep in the 'tayga'/forest around, don't have any pictures (it was long time ago), but in Khabarovsk region called Sikachi-Alyan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroglyphs_of_Sikachi-Alyan) actually do look a bit similar to Maori of Eastern island and NZ, the landscape long ago was very different, the level of water too, less islands more land. So it is possible.
      Very interesting Graham Hancock new documentary Ancient Apocalypse
      Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan
      Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan are Petroglyphs on basalt rocks located near the Sikachi-Alyan Nanai village (Khabarovski krai, Russia). The oldest of t…
    • Yes I watched Graham Hancocks documentary Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix,it was great in my eyes,plus as he opens peoples minds to alternative theories,with a laid back easy to understand format, and so much of his notions ring bells as truths to me.Oh so you were actually meaning the artwork resembles the Maori petroglyphs,I thought you were meaning the stone statues were like Maori & not the Moai of Easter Island.sorry my misunderstanding..
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Typhonic Legends of the Stars

The constellation Ursa Major is associated with infernal or chthonic deities in ancient cultures. The foreleg of this constellation in Ancient Egypt was identified with Seth, whose cult developed long before the Second Kingdom. Seth was once a very popular god who did not evoke sinister associations: he was revered as the patron of Upper Egypt along with Horus, the ruler of Lower Egypt. The constellation Ursa Major in Egypt was interpreted as the Typhonic Beast, Seth's totem animal. This…

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Ara posted a discussion in Self Rising Spirit Group
The constellation Ursa Major is associated with infernal or chthonic deities in ancient cultures.…
22 hours ago
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Ara's discussion Amazing coincidences among ancient civilizations in Self Rising Spirit Group
"Woah those are really close, almost identical, now the Easter Islanders they claim to be connected…"
Nov 15, 2023
Ara replied to Ara's discussion Amazing coincidences among ancient civilizations in Self Rising Spirit Group
"Yea, i've seen it, it is amazing."
Nov 15, 2023
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Ara's discussion Amazing coincidences among ancient civilizations in Self Rising Spirit Group
"I've always found this very intigueing stuff also and I dont think its just concidence…"
Nov 13, 2023
Ara posted a discussion in Self Rising Spirit Group
This is just a small example, of our 'forgoten' history. Ancient priests and present Pine Cone…
Nov 2, 2023
Ara posted a discussion in Self Rising Spirit Group
As usual spectacular, trip ....And for the first time saw Moon rising, now it was magical.
Aug 3, 2023
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Ara's discussion Summer trip in Self Rising Spirit Group
"Canada,Ontario well no wonder you said it was cold, but its also very beautiful too.
Oh your from…"
Jun 26, 2023
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Ara's discussion Summer trip in Self Rising Spirit Group
"Woah absolutely beautiful bliss visionary speaking in all those photo's youve taken,gorgeous what a…"
Jun 26, 2023