“What is aspiration? Aspiration is our inner mounting cry. What is Compassion? Compassion is God’s all-loving Light and Delight. In the spiritual life we start with aspiration, and aspiration soon takes us to realizations. But even realizations feels that it is not sufficient, and it takes us to revelation. Then revelation feels that it is not complete, and it takes us to manifestation. And what is manifestation? Manifestation is the flowering of our inner Divinity. Divinity we always had, but it was implicit; it was dormant. This Divinity has to come to the fore and be manifested here on earth. And this manifestation is called the perfection of nature, the perfection of our earthly existence.
But when we practice - we learn to feel our conscious, constant and inseparable oneness with God, our Inner Pilot (Thought Adjuster)
Spirituality is not something unearthly. It is not something abnormal. It is not something unusual. Spirituality is something normal, natural and most fulfilling. If someone tells you that in order to practice true spirituality and discover the highest Truth, you have to shun society, you have to enter into the Himalayan caves, then I wish to say that this advice is incorrect. Spirituality, real spirituality, tells us to stay here on earth and feel the existence of God in the multifarious activities of our day-to-day life. We have to brave the challenge of the world. We have to fight against the enemies that we have deep within us: fear, doubt, anxiety, jealousy and imperfection. If we retreat to the Himalayan caves or to the farthest reaches of the globe, then our nature will remain imperfect. We have to conquer these undivine, hostile forces right here and now — here on earth, in the midst of society. Divine love is the song of expansion. The first message - is self-discovery. When we practice concentration, meditation and contemplation, slowly, steadily and unerringly we bring to the fore our inner wealth and serve mankind, fulfilling the Inner Pilot, the Supreme, within us. “ Sri Chynmoy
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour - William Blake
Living Mindfully is spirituality
Photo of the geocorona taken from the Moon by Apollo 16 astronauts.
“The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) has identified the decedent as Suchir Balaji, 26, of San Francisco. The manner of death has been determined to be suicide,” said a spokesperson in a statement to TechCrunch.
Launch occurred at 5:35 a.m. EST on Thursday (Dec. 5) after a technical glitch thwarted its first liftoff attempt. A spacecraft duo will fly in formation to create artificial solar eclipses.
The Natural total solar eclipse bring darkness in the day — and a chance to see it with the naked eye — for up to 7 minutes 31 seconds, according to eclipse calculator Jean Meeus, but most last just a couple of minutes.
However Proba-3, that will try to create totality for up to six hours about 50 times yearly. Fuel limitations will mean 1,000 hours of totality during the two-year mission.