The Science of Ascension Symptoms
THE SCIENCE OF ASCENSION SYMPTOMSLet me attempt with some words as best as I will be guided:Ascension as we all know is a business of Energy Integration, Shifts, Vibration and Frequency (constant movement – periodic pulse of energy) - the transition/graduation into a higher vibrating frequency version or rather band of Earth; in simple terms ascension is changing our frequency band so to speak, and can be assimilated to a transition from AM to FM band (3D to 5D). It is in effect the critical…
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We will have the opportunity to expand more fully into our own God Consciousness and embody the energies of our individual God Will expression. We encourage you to continue to invite all of your higher aspects to integrate more fully into you, the individualized physical expression of the God that You Are! Open your heart and breathe through your crown chakra as in the Prana Breathing exercises and state out loud:
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LoveLight, Marilyn