In Defense of Obama


Knowing something of this being and the interest on it I decided to post
this opinion of mine. With what I know of him and with all of this public doubt
and negativity is hard to keep quiet.


I am sure he would not have me post this message at all but from my human
self and to the lightworkers who deserve to know more I will give a brief


First of all it is hard to even call this being Obama as he towers so high
above this one small identity. His track of beingnesses and accomplishments is
unparalleled and I think that I can say he is a unfallen being.


His incarnations on this planet are many and unbelievably successful and
always directed towards bringing Earth and its entire population to ascension.
He didn't seek fame but was known often because he led people and civilizations
in important activities designed to mold and create conditions in this
present time on earth that would allow a clearing of this troubled planet
and sector.


So yes, he knew the future and thought in terms of thousands and millions of
years ahead.

 He has been loved deeply by the masses and feared greatly in battle.

He has led and taught Spirituality and truth to mankind and been followed and
greatly revered for this on more than one occasion.

He has done it all. All in the name of FREEDOM for man.


Now as President Obama and seeking no fame or praise for himself he takes
just the right actions that are the Greatest Good for All to bring off the
exact changes needed at this time on Earth for our planetary


 His Knowledge and Wisdom and Power are unsurpassed.


Spiritually developed to the highest levels again he graces us with his
presence now to finally complete our ascension to Total Freedom.


His compassion and love for all is unshakable. He is here for you.


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  • BEL❤VED Obama is an ascended master St -Germain; who was ascended about 72.000 years ago, he has played lots of important roles on Earth such as Abraham Lincoln which in1861 He vigorously exercised unprecedented war powers, including the arrest and detention without trial of thousands of suspected secessionists .And he is about to do the same and arrest them all, the cabals and Bank-sters Gangsters.


    In Europe had played the role of Prince Rakoczy one of recent incarnation 1684 Samuel the prophet 1100 Ac Francis Bacon 15-61 Marline the magician,


    Middle- East in IRAN or old Persia he played the role of  (SADI the Famous Iranian Poet  from1184-1291 AND again with the same  name in FRANCE as Prince SADI

    Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot (1796-1832), ...  Hakim Omar Khayam whom also in1048b was a  philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and poet. And also created the solar Calendar the most accurate solar Calendar to this date), and as (Pythagoras Greek philosopher) and many other essential roles such a Joseph -Mother Mary, Jesus(Sananda)and Asshtar Command. And many Eternal Role Model ...


    Beside President OBAMA, other ascended masters at present time such as Beloved Kuthumi is playing his role as India’s prime Minister Manmohan Singh and also ascended masters  El Morya had similar roles that they are at play as V speak. There are enough clues to investigate you Owen truth.


    President OBAMA; he does not just play white hats, he plays as a multiple agent for different stage; he is playing their game to bring down the criminals to their conviction.


    Also behind the scene he is working hand in hand with Ashtar Command as Salusa has mentioned this numerous times throughout the year.


    Remember as Albert Einstein said, the creator dose not play with dies, everything is in perfect order for the new era,


    Albert Einstein No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. 


    Rayza ღღ  

    • 8115968289?profile=originalThank you Rayza for the detailed info to help people understand some of where Obama is coming from and an inkling of the magnitude of this being.

      I hope this helps lightworkers to realize that this game is being played on a high level and that President Obama knows exactly what he is doing for the greatest good.

      No one needs to worry about him on this job he is the MASTER for this job and is not the effect of the bad guys but is skillfully bringing in the events that are needed & have been planned.

      We are almost there guys and girls.

      with love to you all,


  • This reply was deleted.
    • I agree-it makes me nervous when I hear people say they think he is the 2nd coming. That makes me feel someone is drinking the Koolaid. I don't know if it's because I knew Obama in a past life or someone he reminds me of, but I just can't get past my uneasy feeling. I'm not saying that he isn't a Lightworker. But I am a very old evolved soul too and I just don't like his arrogance. Because I feel he is too wrapped up in his own EGO (and I'm sure some of you would say the same about me) but I don't like how he can abuse his position to take huge expensive vacations with his family. It seems to me that if you are that "evolved" that you wouldn't be wasting the taxpayers dollars on stuff like that. You would be trying to be more frugal. Same goes with spending more of the Governments money trying to create Obamacare and other programs. To me, we should be considering ways to make cuts, not spend more. But I also know some of us Lightworkers here on the planet are Spiritual Warriors and are here to fight for what is right and even though I feel spreading love and light is a huge raise in vibration for many, some of us are the System Busters that came to create change and that means we are going to be rocking the boat so to speak..Obama just may be one of those types as well, here to rock the boat, so even though I still have an uneasy feeling about him, I'm still trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I agree with Captin - please do not think this man is your "Savior". Only time will tell what his true mission is and who he really is.
  • My prayers go out to anyone that is the President or a leader of any nation or position of governance.  I will keep my opinion to myself at this point about Obama as I quite frankly do not know for sure how I feel .  All I am saying is that I am sending love and light to all involved in governance, as it can do no harm, lol.  I hope he is of the light or that the light may touch his heart and steer his judgement, I do not know where his alliance lies I can honestly say, but am hoping that grace will sustain his actions.  I wish him no harm and just say I hope that he has good intentions. I cannot honestly say that I trust all politicians, that would be a bold faced lie, but as always I send light to all in a position to help humanity. 
  • I dont know what to think, Obama is surrounded by evil men and woman. It must be terrible to work in that inviroment, I always thought he was oke, but I am not sure now. Lets see his actions the coming months.

    I hope I was right at the beginning, love ayurveda masseur

  • I so agree James, lol.....
  • One of OBAMAS AND HIS PARTY [Gangsters] lies so he get more votes to stay in office

    • Oh God!!!


      You sound like a right wing Hindu who can't see past the wrongdoings of Pakistan. Chill will you?



      with intent,
      much love, light and laughter,


    • SO ????????????????????????????????????
      • Defense Warning Programs cut,2011.

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