Blessings to each and every one of you, I hope your day is glorious. I wanted to share something that took place this past week. At first I thought I was going crazy... after all.. I was going through it and I wouldn't have believed it. Where to start.............
It actually started a few days ago with an incident where I almost died. I saw my whole life in front of me. Came through it. Then yesterday, things really took a turn. My husband said something just drained all our batteries... I stood up, took a step towards my husband and before I could take the second... I got really dizzy. I felt these waves come over me as if I stepped into a rift, vortex.... I stepped in something. I saw waves, my body was vibrating at a high rate while I was feeling this energy and electricity go through me. I saw different dimensions, almost like paper. Things were odd here.. like overlapped or something. Anyway... My son texts me, tells me what he went through this morning. It was the same thing except his house changed. Where a bathroom once was there was now a short hall and wall. no bathroom. He sent me a pic saying... GONE! lol His bathroom was gone for a min.
Now I have had experiences seeing various beings, etc to which I have a blog for and if you would like to see it, it's HERE but just keep in mind that not everything is documented, only what I felt released to share. But this is nothing that I've ever experienced in this life. Ever. I was freaked out at first then later I wondered, who would believe this? I'm not crazy, but it seems crazy to me. My son who is used to very strange events as this was even surprised at what he went through this morning. My husband is very knowledgeable understood what was going on. I wish I can describe everything that happened yesterday with this, but it's unlike anything I've ever experienced. I wanted to share this with you because I trust you guys and I am willing to help Asthar and the creator in any way possible.
If anyone has experienced something like this, or can help me understand what happened or what is currently happening as I am still feeling waves on and off today, I would really appreciate it. I'm not doubting anything anymore because I didn't know fairies really existed until I saw one when I was wide awake when it came right in front of my face then left. Thank you for letting me share this here because I feel safe sharing it here which is a huge thing for me.
I hope everyone has such a beautiful day!!! Blessings, Love and Light to you all. xo
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Peace, Love, and light to you and yours
very interesting! I’ve been doing a good deal of research these days trying to piece together some sort of reasoning as to what the hell is really going on and your situation seems to me like what this gal said in her recent video. perhaps a light code activation? check her out:
jump to 21 minutes if you want to skip to what I’m talking about.
Very exciting times huh? thanks for sharing!
I just finished listening to it. It makes sense. Thank you again
I am going to check it out. Thank you so much for being so nice.
I wanted to add, I don't do drugs or anything like that. I am about as straight as they come. I dot every I, cross every T and bother no one. I know I may sound crazy because of what I experienced but I promise you, I'm not. I love you guys!