


Longview, WA


June 2

About Yourself

Honestly,  the whole idea of self, me, or Identity is becoming less important. I have been awakening for almost two years and it is still ongoing and very difficult at times. Much time has and is being spent on "clearing the dust" or karma and it has been remarkable. Less the details, it seems that clearing the dust makes way for spiritual growth and this awesome feeling of connectivity and that is where my focus is, reaching out to others and being of service. It takes "me" out of the equation and replaces it with "us"... Yeap, you could say I have been provoked into the realm of the "collective consciousness" and it feels good. It feels good to finally understand how important this time on Earth is and we all need to join together as one collective. This is where my focus remains and grows...

For it is not "I" that has much to offer "You"

It is within oneness that all things are renewed.

Time and tme again...

Peace, Love, and Light

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Jesus, Creator, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, and all the amazing dedicated people working for disclosure and transparency in our world. Peter Slattery (SHI-JI Series), James Gilliland (ECETI Ranch, and all the wonderful healers that have given so much to us all...


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  • Identity/Ego,,, a few days ago, while I was reading "comments" on a youtube site, I began pondering the act of "commenting" and that's when it hit me. Here was a great example of Identity/Ego running amuck, which is something I am wanting to abate, but I just didn't understand how deep Ego runs. Next, I went back and read some of my old comments and it became very obvious. I could see "ME" all over the place and my grand ego, too. So, how do I negate ego, pride, and identity? Well, first thing is either do not post comments online or I need to carry a more generic message and stop reaching for my five minutes of cyber fame...
    I am learning this morning, learning quite a bit and all this began with a comment left on this site a few weeks ago, SO, it would appear that some synchronicity has occurred between EGO and COMMENTING. I do love it when I get clarity, clarity that resonates deep within... now I just gotta pull the ego back... wish me luck
    Peace, love, and light to all. Oh Boy, has the energy increased lately? I think so!
  • Yeah, I'm with you 100%, let's get this change going, for good.
  • Sometimes darkness can show you the light. From this point you decide or choose which path you prefer... some like the light and some like the dark. All are of the Creator, likened to children in a grand playground... live to your fullest...
    Peace, love and light
  • "List ye, O man, and hear a mystery
    stranger than all that lies 'neath the Sun.
    Know ye, O man, that all space
    is filled by worlds within worlds;
    aye, one within the other yet separate by Law."
    ~ The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Tablet X: The Key of Time
  • Top of the day to all you beautiful spirits. let's see, what's new? Well, I have been logging any events that take place during the wee hours of the morning or what some are calling "The Ascension Hours." At first, I was waking up at 1:00 am every night, wide awake, and all dressed up with no where to go! This changed several weeks back to a constant wake up time of 3:03 am, which went on for several weeks, and now it is 4:14 am on the nose every night for the past four nights, but last night something was added to this, I first awoke at precisely 3:03 am and then precisely at 4:14 am. I am seeing this as some type of synchronicity, but I have not a clue what these times or numbers mean, yet. I am searching for the clues and the meaning and expect more to be revealed yet again in the wee hours of the morning.
    And, YES, the sun is lighting up, it is so vibrant and bright... I see nothing but good coming from our sun as our world begins to unravel. Honestly, I am worried about some of the people on this planet and what they might do to others... I do know for certain that the light/love, love/light of the Creator can not be denied.
    Peace, Love, and Light to all.
  • So, yesterday I had my foundation rattled hard, in a good way. I believe in sharing what is and isn't working for me on this path of enlightenment. You see, it is through other people's experiences that I gain wisdom and direction, so my experiences are of importance, as well, but only if I put them out there. This is one of the best ways I can be of service as this time, so here we go.
    This site offers a plethora of information and guidance. I have come to trust the content and people here, which is a very good thing to feel. Yesterday, I followed an ad listed here for the psychic Ezmeralda. Over the years, I have sought free readings and have always been very disappointed simply because the information was speculative and most could be pulled up on a background search, but what happened yesterday was much different. Heck, I had forgotten that I had a free Tarot reading coming, so I was happy to see it in my inbox. This person brought up something that NO ONE KNOWS and it floored me. I knew then and there that I was suppose to do this and, just like all the other direction I have been receiving, this is valid, not a scam, but intensely real and on spot. Will I pay the money for the complete reading? HELL YES! I don't believe in money anyway, never have, so spending money to me is simply a means to an end. However, before I jump in with both more than willing feet, I must as if anyone else has worked with Ezmeralda? I am assuming that answer is yes. I would love some feedback, but either way I am getting the full reading. I know something is changing deep within, I can feel it growing. Meditation has taken on a completely new meaning. I am able to disconnect much quicker and once that happens in come the images, numbers, geometry, and a sense that once I am ready, I will soar... Imagine a world were cells phones became obsolete because we have developed our telepathy. Ohhhh just imagine what is to come..
    In closing, my I express my deepest love and compassion for all on this site and their families, friends, etc. I hope this makes some sense and I really hope someone who is just waking up takes the time to read this and everything else on this site. YOU CAN"T GO WRONG, SO DO IT!
  • Greetings! I think we all have at least one thing in our past that we hold onto like it was essential, yet it is not and we would be better off dealing with it and letting it go. I have one such thing and it has dominated my life - Period! Yet, I have never told anyone because it was simply unchangeable, plus it started from my birth and it was how things were. I am not talking about serious abuses and things like that, but rather more subtle and mental/emotional warfare with my brother (bless his soul.) So, I have a Tarot reading and this is brought up in a manner that leaves no doubt to what is being said. What was said is staggering, stopped me in my tracks, froze my thinking, open my heart and the pain flew out of me. My God! This is not the first time I have been blasted like this and lately it would seem things are quickening. Synchronicities abound, numbers! Numbers! NUMBERS! It has been shown to me that this one thing, has and is the #1 source of all that has fallen short, all that has been taken, all that has been lost, and all the was never realized. The beauty in this is simple, now that I am fully aware of this, I no longer need to participate, yeap, back to being the Observer again...
    I do a lot of reading and video watching on this site. I am forever grateful. Honestly, I feel like a novice or an infant when it comes to consciousness/spirituality, yet there has always been this deep undertow within me trying to find a way to surface. Oddly, as I practice these disciplines there is a voice inside that says, "it is about time you got back to living like this." Indeed, this is the conflict I have lived with in this life, but finally the conflict is going away...
    It is very painful to watch those around me fight with there karma, especially when you want to help but they are not open to it. I wish this Christ Vib, as I like to label it, would speed up, but then again, isn't that pretty much the status quo for human behavior these days? "I want what I want when I want it! I want it BIGGER, BETTER, BADDER, FASTER, QUICKER, LONGER, AND STRONGER thank before, cause it's all about ME ME ME, MORE MORE MORE, ME ME ME... LOL!
    Peace, Love, and Light to all
  • Reading "Becoming Gods" Cazekiel as received by James Gilliland... Oh boy! What a great text to follow the Shi-Ji series by Peter Maxwell Slattery. In all this "awakening" it seems to me that large, global prayer and meditation groups could have a dramatic impact on current events. I have been apart of other global prayer/meditation events, but I believe we need them on a daily basis to help others connect and awaken. There is another reason, as well, it has to do with the effect such groups and events have on local crime and violence. I mean if there is even a slight chance that such things could benefit us all then I say let's do it, let's do it daily AND let's try to get a global response. If we leave it up to our leaders we will see nothing but more violence, division, lies, and eventually war. We do not need anymore of this crap...
    If you are of like mind then please say so...
    Peace, love, and light to all
  • I just finished reading the three volume series, "The Book of Shi-Ji," by Peter Maxwell Slattery. Next up, "Becoming Gods, Interdimensional Mind, Earth Changes and the Quickening, UFO's Their Origins and Intentions," by Cazekiel as received by James Gilliland founder of ECETI Ranch, here in Washington State. Damn, that title is a mouth full! I guess what I am getting at is this, I am so alive, so thirsty it hurts. Recently, someone close to me said I need to STOP RED PILLING EVERYONE I COME ACROST. Well, what am I suppose to do with all this truth and fact and belief? I believe in sharing it as much and as often as I can. Being in service to my brothers and sisters here on Earth and beyond is the one thing that raises me up, but it can also be the one thing that drives me downward into disillusionment and apathy. This occurs when I withdraw my energy and hold onto it like it is the only thing that matters. OMG! I mean, REALLY? After thirty-five years of being aligned with "SELF" and reaping nothing but perceived misery and failure, I still find myself wanting to hold onto that life-style. Old habits//patterns die hard, especially once you become fully aware of such habits/patterns. Indeed, but I am realizing that all of this was necessary and planned AND it is the primary reason or influence that has led to my awakening. Ahhhh, all that matters is love. let me say that again, ALL THAT MATTERS IS LOVE. Nothing is stronger, nothing is purer. When I allow myself to love EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, no matter how unlovable I deem it or them to be, I become more and more enlightened. We are either aligned with self or creator, it is either or and the dance is that which occurs somewhere in the middle... Each day I find my alignment first by looking inward then seeking ways to express my love outward... This is much easier said than done, I am but an infant with his eyes wide open ready to learn...
    Peace, Love, Unity, and Forgiveness to all.
  • May all of you have a blessed day free from the insanity running amuck here on Earth. The most important thing any of us can do is hold our space (spiritually) by acts of kindness, forgiveness, empathy, and service. Our vibration is increasing on a global level... YAHOO! Let's do all we can to usher in the new world!
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