The fence across all of Australia is huge that stretches from the west to the east coast of Australia, dividing the continent into two parts. Its length is about 5600 kilometers. The fence was built at the beginning of the 20th century the official version says that the fence through all of Australia is needed to protect the ecosystem from invasive and dangerous species of animals that were brought to Australia by the colonizers such as Rabbits, cats and dingo dogs have become a serious threat to native species.
Crossing of the fence is prohibited and punishable by a fine or a prison term. Some sections of this great Australian wall are even connected to high voltage. The heigth of the fence in some places reaches 6 meters. It is also guarded 24 hours a day by unmarked patrols and billions of dollars in funding from the country's budget goes to annually maintaain it.
However, not everyone believes in the official version and believe that the fence through all of Australia hides something darker and more mysterious reasons. There are many theories of conspiracy, legends and evidence that behind the fence are secret bases, anomaly zones, ancient civilizations or even the entrance to other worlds.
Some claim that behind the fence is the secret military base of Pine Gap (Pine Gap), which is a joint project of the United States and Australia on surveillance of space and radio communication. According to rumors, experiments with nuclear weapons, lasers, missiles and other technologies are being conducted in there. The Pine Gap Base is one of the most closed sites in the world and is not available for visiting.
Local Australian old timers pass on legends that in ancient times the passage through the now fenced territory of Australia was connected to Antarctica, and anyone who want it could make a journey to Antarctica and beyond it, other continents unknown to people today.
Others say that behind the fence are anomaly zones where strange and wierd phenomena occurs. For example, in the Alice Springs area, luminous balls are observed that fly in the sky and disappear. Some connect them with aliens or spirits, others believe that this is the result of military experiments. Another anomaly zone is the Tanami Desert Desert, where people are often lost or become victims of unknown creatures. According to legend, in the desert live people-monkeys who kidnappe and kill people. Also in the desert are ancient caves with drawings and symbols that cannot be deciphered.
Another theory is that behind the fence through Australia are the traces of ancient civilizations that existed before our era. According to some researchers, Australia was once part of a large continent that connected it to Antarctica and other continents. On this continent lived highly developed peoples, who had knowledge in the field of astronomy, mathematics, medicine and other sciences. They also built g structures made of stone, metal and crystals. However, due to cataclysm or war, these civilizations disappeared or went underground. Their remains are hidden behind the fence and protected from others.
Finally, the most fantastic theory states that behind the fence through all of Australia is the entrance to other worlds or dimensions. According to ancient legends, in Australia there are places where you can go into parallel realities or even into the past or the future. These places are called portals or Redgates and are associated with space and other planets. The fence serves to hide these portals from curious and careless people who can fall into a trap or cause a disaster.
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