


Albuquerque, NM


February 6

About Yourself

I'am a single white male and I'am into animals the environment and unconditional love as well as service to others.I'am a UFO believer and also a believer in alien life.I'am a fan of David Wilcock's work and I like movies dealing with science fiction in regards to alien activity on Earth.I especially like the movie,"2001:A Space Odessy!"

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

I get my spiritual sources of inspiration from my beloved prophet Rael of the Raelian movement.

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  • Hello! My mom had a birthday this August 14th its not to late to give her a happy birthday shout out besides she recognizes the whole month being a birthday month.I will relay the shout outs to her take care everyone and goodbye.
  • Hello! This father's day let us take time to reflect on son's who don't have father's to celebrate with because they passed on.
  • No, that will be fine Richard. You're response on my home page wall is a rational one, suggesting that your beliefs are deep and well lodged. And certainly not peripheral ones...I will raise the matter with you no more, my friend...I have my beliefs and you have your own, we can agree to disagree, as friends....Kind regards, Drekx
  • Hello everyone! I hope your enjoying yourself here let's say hello to our new members!
  • Hi Richard, ... ;)) and Thank you!!!
    my birthday is this coming sunday, big number too, anyway you too stay safe.
  • Sorry about this ... Richard ... ;))
    Happy Belated Birthday!!!! ... hope you are in good spirit and good health. Wishing you much fortitude, inner peace!!!!
  • Hello! I hope everyone is having a good year so far may all your days be filled with celebrations of life.
  • Hah! That is remarkable! Yes, there is nothing to worry about ceasing to exist. There is much more to worry, rather, of comming back to life and finding yourself in a terrible place. This is one reason I think a lot about afterlife. I want to see if we can have, at present, a say about what will happen next. I have come to learn to embrace various possibilities. The 'cloning' is the latest one.

    It is so nice that you are overally happier than many members here and yet you don't believe in such entities as 'souls' 'gods' etc!! It shows these beliefs are less necessary for happiness than we have been led to beleive.☺
  • Your are welcome. But you have also helped me think a lot and more positively about cloning!
  • I think the one that shows 'they are online now?'
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