Channeled through Mark Kimmel

Andromedan Star-/mother-ship: Athabantian

Previous messages:

We are here

Cover up

Let your light shine




Greetings, I am Adrial a celestial of this universe. I have been aboard Athabantian since it came to assist Earth’s transition.

You are a child of God. You are also God. These words may seem contradictory, but at my level of functioning, what you might term the 9th Dimension, we see both realities.


Let me explain further. You, a human of Earth were created as a physical being to engage in a physical experience. This was done through the joint efforts of your oversoul, the creator God of this universe, and Earth. In combination they gave you the physicality of a human residing on Earth’s surface. Giving form to a human being is easy yet involved, for you are a complex entity.

Individual souls for a particular lifetime are products of oversouls who individuate each soul for duty in a particular physical body. The physical shell of your body, derived from the genetics of your human parents so as to maintain the lineage of your family, was created in conjunction with Earth. All of this is done under the aegis of the creator God of this universe.

Your great oversoul has been in existence since the creation of this universe. When a universe is being created by a creator God, it is done in cooperation with the oversouls who now supply souls for individual human bodies.

So there is a hierarchy beginning with Creator. It extends to the creator Gods and the oversouls. From your perspective, looking upward if you will, you see Earth, the Creator God of this universe, and your own oversoul. You are a product of all three. So it is quite obvious that you are a child of God.


In the lighter realms everything is fluid. There are no clear delineations as there are in the lower densities of form. In the lighter realms communications are not spoken, pictures and concepts are transmitted and truth is known not merely believed. Thus Oneness and truth are easy to achieve, whereas in the arena of form everything is rigid and truth is relative.

Whether you appreciate it or not, you and I are in Oneness. You are One with every other human of Earth. You are One with Earth, with her animals, plants, insects, and rocks. You are One with the rest of this universe, and you are One with other universes. You are also One with Creator. So in Oneness you can see that you are God.

We of the higher Dimensions are calling to you to join us in the most wondrous adventure. We are calling you to return to where your oversoul resides, from whence you agreed to come into this body. Your brothers and sisters from Andromeda and all other star systems of this universe are beckoning you to raise your vibration to meet with them in the higher dimensions. You have played in the drama of the 3rd density for long enough. It is now time to shed the fear-based costumes of the 3rd density.


You have played the roles assigned to you well; you are to be congratulated. Do not drag your feet for the time is soon approaching when those who cling to the 3rd density will no longer be on Earth. Earth’s vibration is increasing to where it will be untenable for all but those of the 4th Dimension and higher frequencies.

Creator is calling you to Oneness with Him, with all there is. In this Oneness you are united with all. In this Oneness you will see that you are unlimited, powerful, and eternal. In this Oneness you will see that you are a creator god.


Now is the moment of your decision. Will you heed the call of your soul and return to the 5th Dimension and beyond, reuniting in Oneness for eternity? Or will you ignore the changes that are occurring around you and cling to the comforts, status, wealth, and security of the 3rd Dimension.  This choice is yours.

If you earnestly desire to move ahead, turn your back on the enticements and security of the 3rd Dimension. Embrace Earth’s ascension. In the 4th Dimension everyone will experience a love-based existence unlike any the current population of Earth has seen before. There will still be the opportunity for duality, but your drama will be played against a love-based backdrop.

Those who choose to remain in the fear-based 3rd dimension will not ascend with Earth. They will be resettled in a like situation where you may continue to reincarnate until they decide to ascend to the light-filled higher dimensions.

By choosing to move up to a light filled density, you are freeing your soul from the multiple reincarnations you have experienced. It is your decision. Listen to the yearning of your soul to explore the light-filled higher densities. Listen to the message of your soul to embrace who you truly are, a magnificent being held captive in the 3rd Dimension. Listen to the your soul as it beckons to you from the 5th dimension, urging you to decide to move from your comfort zone.


If you would ascend, do not depend on messages from outside; go within. Many messages you receive are in conflict, urging you to look here or to look there for truth. You need not look beyond your heart to find truth. The many events swirling about you are the final distractions on your path to the lighter densities. Ignore them and focus within.

As you have recently experienced, Mark, any allure of the 3rd Dimension is completely overshadowed by existence in the 5th Dimension. Cling to that realization. Many are looking forward to welcoming you permanently into the lighter densities. By pre-birth contract, you agreed to stuff your individuated soul into this physical form. Furthermore you agreed to forget everything you knew prior to the moment of birth, and begin the long process of rediscovering who you really are. This applies equally to all who are reading these messages and to those many who have no idea these messages even exist. All humans make such agreements.


There are many who have not awakened; they cling to the beliefs of the 3rd Dimension. Because they choose to do so, they will repeat the lessons of the 3rd dimension again and again for many, many years. Now that you have emerged from the darkness of the 3rd Dimension, and are beginning to appreciate who you really are, you need to congratulate yourselves.

Those of you who already reside in the 4th dimension have raised your vibrations to the point that you are no longer fear-based. You are to be congratulated. More importantly you are to honor yourselves. Each of you should be most grateful for you have emerged from the slavery of the 3rd Dimension. Appreciate what you have accomplished. Rejoice, for you will now journey with the new Earth. Your oversoul awaits the moment it can fully reunite with you in the higher vibrations.


The universe in Oneness awaits your ascension. Be grateful that you have taken the path less travelled and agreed to ascend. Many of you who read these messages have spent time and effort giving thanks to God, and to others who assisted you in your awakening. Now is the time to recognize your own greatness and to give thanks to yourselves for what you have accomplished. Appreciate and be grateful.


I look forward to interacting with you as you arrive at your destination. I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe.



The messages at this site are being translated into several languages and they are also being posted on other web sites. If those of you who are doing so will send an email to, I will post the locations of these translations and postings at the end of our next message.

Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

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  • Thank you for your kind words but I have some how passed words and need only a little peace which I can not find
    • forgive yourself and then comes from within


  • Hey Drome - The Machine sends his regards.. 

    here is a Blade Runner image for ya.. :-)

    thank you fot this post - I dig it brother -

    sending you Love and Light..

    p.s. - its only me ..  Luke (Skywalker)  lol..


  • Now is the moment of your decision. Will you heed the call of your soul and return to the 5th Dimension and beyond, reuniting in Oneness for eternity? i like this saying much more.

  •  Thank you Drome for this message from Home.

     May trillions of Rainbow Perfume Bubbles of your choice constantly

     bubble from your Heart Chamber as you go about your daily life

     and bless all you come in touch with. Blessings my brother. Kingjeff

    • As I am for equal energy exchange I am able to compensate whatever effects affected you that where caused by me. ;)
  • I

    don't know if you are telling the truth or not but if so i hate them all because of my creation I hate this world and every thing in it or outside it I just want not to be is this possible ?

    • I do not mean to disturb but perhaps their is a third way forward, I am not saying this is truth, you must as always use own judgment, but I felt you would like to see a third passage

    • ahmafi,  Many years ago i to felt as your feeling right now.  The problems of the world, (my world) was so much to bare I coudnt see straight, and I blamed everything on everything out side of myself..   I was so angery at all the things i thought were out to bring me down and keep me there, I simply wanted everything and everyone to leave me alone.  

      You are not alone never was alone your angles are always with you even now, in silence they wait for you to turn to them and only await your asking them to help in your time of need.

      I know it seems right now the best thing is to be left alone.  there is soles in moving away and rest. We all mother earth, nature, all that is loves you, as you rest, look in, look at your heart as a safe house, a place of rest, feel the peace that will come to you at this time of your need. Ahmafi  thank you for being You, we are all here for you.   John

    • it passes, this feeling, it is good that you know it and embrace
This reply was deleted.

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