The Vatican must open every door and nothing should be hidden ...all corrupt rascals must be removed from the Vatican  ..till it becomes a place situated in the mode of goodness with only those who are living in the mode of goodness

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  • I say let's do it. The Vatican is the perfect place to start. It is the symbol of all that is hidden to control and manipulate, to create suffering - endless suffering. When does it stop? Much blood is on their hands and they do not seem to mind... Hmmm, sounds like Service to Self.
    Peace, love, and light to all. Remember, the Love/Light, Light/Love of the Creator heals all, even through simple acts of kindness, do we ascend from this madness.(just a thought)
  • The harlot in the book of revelation chapter 17 rifers basically to cabal, and it becomes the apostate church should that church try to manipulate governments as it were, trying to control the 'beast' it is riding. Surprisingly, Vatican still sits in the 'seven hills', i.e Rome! This is to say the same same corrupt sytem that John saw still stands. It never disappeared! The cabal is traceable to the ancient Rome. John say 'the fall of Babylon' (the cabal in Rome) will be a great victory!
  • My tenth sense is telling me .. THE CORRUPTION IN THE VATICAN MUST BE REMOVED ..all the corrupt evil people must be removed and put in a heavy lock up
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