Chapter XII
As a fractalized scientific explanation of mathematical formulas behind metaphysical anchor points, which are ones that I recently received undergoing reflective cosmic meditative analysis.
Here's some interesting info you might find more on a scienti
Read more…I've been deeply unsettled by the way things are so isolated in this world, and am inviting you to participate in a plan that can, and has proven to work, in restoring our values of life to rights.
I'm planning a couple of in focus events this spring/
Read more…So, I bring this up because. I'm having a hard time understanding where this concept trickled off into the sunset.
Humans leading by example. Of love. Of leadership. Of empathy. Of curiosity. Of anything that isn't destructive. Quite frankly, creativi
Read more…Aka Cords, Life Streaming Everywhere!
Posted by Carolyn Thompson on April 26, 2015 at 11:26am
‘Aka’ cords are the thin vital force of energy we send as we think about anything or anybody. I wish to expand how they work so to continue to build a foun
Human beings have already known necromancy, wizardry, spirituality and psychic power for so long time; rustic theorists have forgotten this reality which drives them to a nonplus about natural consciousness and society.
In this new evolution cycle, hu
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -
Concluded from Part 2
We’ve heard a lot of talk about hemp oil lately, and apparently, some people are concerned that it’s as intoxicating as marijuana. David West busts this m
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -
Continued from Part 1
David P. West tells us that hemp’s among the most misunderstood plants of our time.
“Surely no member of the vegetable kingdom has ever been more misunders
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says the word ‘hemp’? For the uninformed, marijuana might immediately pop up, which could cause them to automatically sh
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This is one of my latest songs, entitled ‘Look Up’. I wrote the guitar part, the bass part and the lyrics, and the drum track is prerecorded into my guitar amp. The lyrics are below the video. I hope you all enjoy it! :)
The love in your heart
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I wrote the following for the “reader’s question” section of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter.
In place of a reader’s question, I’d like to give my perspective on the importance of studying up on
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I wrote the following for the “reader’s question” section of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter.
In place of a reader’s question, I’d like to give my perspective on how we can best define ourselves
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness,
Concluded from Part 1
Materiality is really only an escape from our inner perception, and in ‘escaping’
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness,
I created my blog, The Culture of Awareness, to provide a place where spiritually aware seekers can rea
Read more…This is an introductory article to The Culture of Awareness, which is the blog I’ve created to replace The Aquarius Paradigm.
All around this evolving planet, people are awakening to the existence of spirit and the necessity to mov
Read more…The following was written by Wes Annac for the “planetary healing” segment of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
We left off last week with some quotes from an unnamed spirit communicator through Charlotte Dresser about the work that’s done in s
Read more…The whistles of consciousness blowAs thistles check our steps on the goPassing trains play their games nearAmassing gains of pains and fearRugged rocks open locks by cleaning the docksAnd screening scattered matters through holy plattersScarcely scou
Read more…This is a topic which I feel is relatively important to discuss at this time, when channeled material has gained a much larger following and thus has a greater impact, especially in the "new-age" community. Our site here is flooded with these "messag
Read more…The following was written by Wes Annac for the “planetary healing” segment of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
Awareness is an essential element of introducing significant change on a planet where corruption and greed have run rampant. Last we
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
As consciousness continues to rise, humanity is being drawn together like never before.
We’re starting to understand our interconnected nature and the fact that we’re meant to run this planet together in the na
Read more…Special guest at the Rainbow Roundtable
January 9th at 10 PM EST to 12 AM EST
Extraordinary individual Judy Beebe whose early life provided the opportunity to meet the (3) George's: George Adamski (pioneer contactee); George Hunt Williamson (contactee,
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Chapter XII