The First Contacts and The Men in Black
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A while back I made this Fan Art video. I went to school with the guy singing, Jeff Pilson, but that doesn't make me special, it just kinda nice to see someone you know go all the way in a very destructive profession, I kn
Read more…More music for your Pleasure -- And it's true by the way.... You CAN do Magic.... :)
Finally, you can record your voice the way YOU hear it. BCM's convert vibrations from your head or ears into sound. They can also be used as hearing aides for the deaf and hard of healing. Forget buying expensive musical instruments, create music dir
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This Mary Magdalene Frequency Signature that I have been working with and developing through my music for three decades has been the greatest help for me learning more and more about who I am and how the Music of t
This is a song I wrote, which I call ‘Searching’.
I consider myself a beginner musician, and I’m experimenting with writing and recording songs. I wrote (and performed) the lyrics and the guitar and bass parts, and the drumbeat I used from YouTube use
Read more…Hello everyone :)
My twin flame and I started to build a business on what we love: art :)
My fiancee, Kira, is a medium and I am gifted with healing abilities, for that reason we wanted to combine it with the art we do so that people can not only enj
I am considering boycotting music festivals until people stop dying at them, and if you think I am joking, I am a published musician who owns my own copyright, because I wrote, played and produced it single handed. I always wanted to go to the Falls
Read more…I would like to share something that makes my heart the happiest:))). I'm a lightworker which mission is to share the 5D music I write, packed in a new vibe, modern theme, to raise awarness and consciousness of other people. My original planet is Arc
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness.
I wrote the following for the ‘planetary healing’ section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we’re going to examine what it’s like to be a musician/composer in the fourth dimension. We
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
I wrote the following for The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
To begin for this week, we’re going to pick up from last week’s discussion of the AUM mantra with material about the natural current of spiri
Read more…Secret Wisdom and understanding the Zelda Timeline
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Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, Concluded from Part 1
There’s something related to channeling that I want to mention, because it presents a distorted view of channeling to people who might not believe in its reality after witnessing this
I'm proud and exited to announce I've just finished putting together my alien dance music CD, hope you enjoy you can listen to the whole thing for free. it only took me three years !! haha :)
It was really made for folks like you and me who are
Read more…Dear Friends,
Here is the possibility to Support New Peace, Free Clean Energy Songs And MusicProductions
- Disclosure, New Knowledge and Technologies:
Peace and Love
I am in contact with the Ashtar crew. They also told me Ashtar has been sending the Blue Ray. For all who have been experiancing tones in your ears, this is a tune up from brother Ashtar for raise your freqencies and preparing you for the next shifts
Read more…Read more…10th December, the number of Divine perfection!
Celebrate every day like the Galactics Angelics do!
Your life is a beautiful thing,
and a precious adventure!
2012 is near over: Lets be thankful together!
who will sing with me?
The music on this album was composed to influence the dreams and pre-REM hypnogogic visions of the listener. For this purpose it is suggested that the volume be kept down to the threshold of perceptibility, ideally with speakers surrounding the liste
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…