Well I decided to post something on this since this is all new to me...this is in response to the other post where the write is asking for symptoms from those going through the process.  I too am very curious about the process....what signs and symptoms have you out there gone through?


This is subject matter I know little on and would like to know more so please give it your all!?

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    • BIG HUG THank you so much Ravider for posting that, it's quite a read but well worth it....I was almost to the point of pulling my hair out with some of the stuff I was going through and how to find the right solution, once again THANK YOU SO MUCH....BIG HUG, MUCH LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU MY BROTHER!! :D
  • Thank you James-Ryan, those were very touching words...soothing to the soul.
  • I find i need very little sleep and eat less and i am hungry for Spiritual Knowledge.

    Below is a nice Video on Spiritual Awakening coming at this time of Ascension

    Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/signs-symptoms-of-goi...

    • Thirst for spiritual knowledge, it's funny how you brought that up I have that too!?
  • I have some of those symptoms, or a large number of them - but whether they´re ascension related I cannot prove presently





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    • WOW Thank you Happy-Kelly very useful information, I'm gonna print it out right now!!
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    • Thanx sister, I'll do that/have done some of this much love.

      BIG HUG

  • For me this process has been very strange...From 2005 to 2009 I went through a period where I was sick all the time and needed a lot of rest, that was the negative side of the process. Between 2005 and 2008 I was extremely ill but Psychically and Spiritually things were going through the roof. I have to take anti depressants and anti anxiety meds because I have alot of anxiety due to dealing with negative people and people of lower vibrations, when people argue loudly it hurts me psychially and spiritually and causes me pain.


    Sometimes I sleep a lot sometimes only five hours and then wake refreshed.

    Sorry guys but I love meat and can't figure out why I should give it up!? But I only eat chicken and fish, very little red meat.


    For me things are wierd at a psychic level and spiritual level, I know when someones lying to me often before the even speak. I catch myself finishing peoples sentences and when I'm around someone I catch their vibe and can connect easily if they're on the same wave length as I am. I seem to have developed this ability to connect with honest, sincere, loving people easily, never argue get a long great with them, no problems.


    I still have problems with illness but not as bad as three or four years ago.


    I feel very light at time like I weigh a few ounces or something?


    I am able to see the world as it trully is (i.e. I see through the illusion easily), I also see light ships and beings that are invisible to other people.


    I don't know if this has anything to do with the ascension process, I'm NO EXPERT on all that, this is all new to me, but I sure feel different. I have gone through alot of things, when my thyroid was out of wack it made me so sick but now I feel so much better.


    Oh I have the sensativity to sounds, shrill sounds and beeping I can't tolerate and people arguing makes me ill.


    Is this or does this have to do with ascension?...I have NO IDEA!?


    I can write more but I'd be here all day, lol....if any of you out there can shed some light on what's going on that would be cool?

    • Your symptoms are interesting.  I didn't have the illness issues.  I just one day stopped getting sick, which is interesting because I had walking pneumonia as a child.  I also had the germ that causes tuberculosis and was usually the first in the house to get sick.  But I do NOT claim immunity to all disease.  The Ascension also forced me to become vegan.  Seriously.  My body just wasn't having it anymore.  I'm also having more problems with artificial flavors and colors in food.  I can eat as much as I used to and eventually nausea sets in.  It was the same with animals and animal products.  Based on the pattern, I predict that eventually I will not be able to eat any such foods at all.


      I'm also able to feel the life force of plants and animals.  I can tell when plants aren't doing well too.  I can't determine the cause of the problem, but I can feel there is a problem.  A new ability that has recently surfaced is that I can feel the energy of nature in a breeze.  The longer I'm exposed, the lighter my energy feels and eventually I'll feel like I could float away.

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