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Hello Avi Avi Avi,
Thank you very much for your message regarding meditation, I am happy to see that you have had an abundance of responses to help you on your journey. I use music to get me to the state where I concentrate on the breathing aspect as mentioned. Music I find lifts me to a place where I can then switch the energy to connecting with my own higher self, then, I can connect easier to the universal energy or light.
Others have mentioned how difficult it is to maintain focus because one can easily become distracted, pay no mind to how many times you have to start again and again, you will eventually find a method through trial and error which suits you. Meditation does not have to be a lengthy process and you can benefit just as much from meditation from a minute as you can from a deeper and extensive time spent.
A brief meditation I became aware of a few years ago, I find very helpful especially if I am tired, as follows:
Close your eyes, Imagine you are standing in front of a lift (elevator). Enter the lift and watch the doors close. Imagine that you are traveling to the top floor, sense the light energy all around you and allow it to encompass you as you travel. Take your time as you notice your own breath sounds, breathe in the positive energy, breathe out any negativity you may be holding. When the lift stops allow yourself a moment then as the door opens, before you are Three Doors, The Past, The Present, The Future. You may enter in any order. If you enter the past door, Once inside, take your time to look around and become very aware of any baggage, you can stay here and work on unresolved issues, such as disappointments, betrayals, upsets, or even stagnation. You will be aware of hidden fears, unresolved problems etc. As you enter the door of the present, become aware of the unlimited potential that is only available in the here. You can tap into the a vast wealth of creator power. All and Nothing is possible here. As you enter the Future Room, tap into the emotions you are feeling, see the colors around you. See all that you are and all that you desire to be. Tap into the power of your imagination and let your dreams manifest into reality. be aware of your hopes, aspirations, goals. .
You can add mantras to help you, ie., You can repeat the past has gone, and the and future is non-existent in the present.
dear avi avi avi there are many forms of meditation so i am going to recommend
1, google solara an-ra there you will find up todate meditations or if you are a beginner email her
and she will find you what is suitable for you
2,amrita melchisidek she has many videos on utube as well as solara with who she interacts with
3. google THE RADIANT ROSE ACADEMY and ask to purchase a small booklet the ASCENDED MASTERS
SACRED FIRE FLAME MANTRAS the acadamy is in vancouver if you are in america or you may be able
to suit your own pace and resonance once you are readily familiar with them always start your
meditations with acknowledging your beloved I AM YOUR GOD SELF AND DEEP BREATHS
GOOD LUCK mike jay
I have taught meditation for a long time. I have a series - Introduction to meditation - on my youtube site
It is broken up to lectures and meditations. A good foundation to get started. About 8 videos.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hope this helps you.
The Best and it works. It has worked for me. I am able to realize my soul in 37 days using this meditation.
Meditation for begginers... I would suggest getting some bianural beats. Just by listening to them they send you into a meditative state. All the teachings you have read i am sure are good. The problem is you are spending too much time on thinking and not being. I hope you find your path to meditation, because there are many paths to the same point.
Peice be with you, Much Love, Heffe1
What works for me:
I follow my breath. Sometimes I have music, sometimes not.
I sit crosslegged with my eyes closed.
I have a mantra that I repeat within which, translated somewhat into english is Om Bliss Consciousness Truth Supreme.
Occasionally, I just say Om Shanti shanti shanti = Peace, Peace, Peace...
If thoughts bother me too much, I breathe in for 8 counts, hold my breath for 4 counts, and slowly breathe out. After a few times, I feel calm and move my attention to the centre of my chest to my heart chakra.
I connect here with my Higher Self, or inner being, or God-self...the part unaffected by drama of life.
It is here I feel at ease. If there is anything to ask, it is in this "space" where I have a dialogue with mySelf. Otherwise, I just sit and enjoy the quietude.
Sometimes I visualise myself in a place where I was close to nature, such as sitting by a waterfall, or in a beautiful garden, or woods etc
To come out of meditation, before I open my eyes, I concentrate on my breathing and start becoming aware of sounds, sensations in my body and the feeling of the floor beneath me.
The main thing is to observe the breath, and as you do this, you detach from the mind and become more heart-centred.
Love and Best wishes,