Get ready to read one of the most fascinating adventures that the human being can imagine, which however it is not a product of the imagination. It is the life of the "Avatar of Aquarius", but not a life, but "The Great Life", because in these pages you will find practically the entire "Great existence" of that Great Soul that is Samael Aun Weor, until his last reincarnation   that is when it manifests itself with all its splendor and greatness. Certainly, since ancient times there have been very serious esoteric ones, versed and excellent researchers of "the internal". However, most esoteric ones, especially contemporary ones, have taken care to collate, "codify", analyze and study the ancients, without having experienced anything at all. "Experiences and Anecdotes of the Avatar of Aquarius" is a book that will take the restless reader to a special "tickling" in the depths of his psyche, motivating him to follow the path of perfection towards his own self-realization and will seek to deepen his knowledge to achieve what can only be achieved through direct experience. Samael Aun Weor is the Sacred name, or the name of his Monad, or as the esotericists would say in their still traditional language, it is the name of his Super Self, or of his Superior Self or of his I Am. In his last incarnation he was called Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez and was born in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, South America. His disciples recognize him as the Avatar of Aquarius, or the Kalki Avatar, the Expected Buddha or Buddha Maitreya, the one who is expected in the East and in the West, announced both by the serious esotericists of the West, and by the traditions and sacred books of the East. However, very few have been those who have truly recognized it. We personally testify to the magnificence of the Aquarian Avatar, as do all who knew him personally. But we do not want to give our lived testimony; we are interested in Avatara himself relating his internal experiences and some anecdotes. Virtually the entire book contains such experiences, which have been recapitulated from his books, pamphlets, and lectures. The last part of the book contains stories by some of his disciples who wrote about him, as VM Gargha Kuichines and many other awake persons who wrote about him,. By reading the books you will be able to experience and verify for yourself the realities of the world and the internal worlds. If you are a student of Gnosis, with this book you will clear up many doubts and will surely strengthen your will to walk towards the Father who dwells in Secret, the one who is tied to the hard rock of matter, like Prometheus, waiting for the Heracles/Hercules to free him and finally return victorious to his own Father Zeus.

Dr. A. Fagalde-Revilla

                                                                                                                       CHAPTER I .

 Taking the cosmic amphitheater as a stage, I want to pour some memories into these pages. Long before that lunar chain of which so many distinguished Theosophist writers spoke emerged from the chaos, there existed a certain universe of which only traces now remain among the intimate records of nature. It was in one of those worlds that what I describe below happened, with the evident purpose of clarifying the Doctrine of the Transmigration of Souls. In accordance with Cosmic Desiderates, seven human races very similar to those of our world evolved and devolved on such a planet. At the time of its Fifth Root Race, too similar to ours, the abominable civilization of Kali Yuga or Iron Age existed, just as we have it here on Earth at this time. So I, who was only a poor "intellectual animal" condemned to live, had come from bad to worse, incessantly reincorporating myself into masculine or feminine organisms according to the debits and credits of karma. I confess without hesitation that my Mother Nature worked in vain creating bodies for me; I always destroyed them with my vices and passions. As if it were an unbearable curse, each of my existences was repeated within the spiral line in more or less low curves. Obviously I had rushed down the involutionary, descending path. I wallowed like a pig in the abject mud of all vices, and I was not even remotely interested in spiritual matters. It is unquestionable that I had become an unrepentant cynic; It is clear and obvious that any type of punishment, no matter how serious, was in fact doomed to failure. They say that one hundred and eight beads have the necklace of the Buddha, and this indicates the number of lives that are assigned to each soul. I must make a certain emphasis when saying that the last of those one hundred and eight existences was for me something definitive... then I entered the Involution of the Submerged Mineral Kingdom. The last of these personalities was female, and it is evident that after rolling around in Procrustes's bed, it served as my passport to hell. Within the mineral womb of that world I blasphemed, cursed, wounded, insulted, frightfully fornicated and degenerated more and more without ever showing signs of repentance. I felt myself falling into the remote distance of the past; the human form disgusted me; I preferred to assume the figures of beasts among those abysses, then I seemed like a plant, a shadow that slid here, there,  over there; Finally I felt that I fossilized... Turn into stone? How awful! However, since I was already so degenerate, I didn't even care about this. Seeing like a leper from the city of the living dead drop fingers, ears, nose, arms and legs, certainly is not pleasant at all; yet even this did not move me. I fornicated incessantly in the bed of Procrustes with whatever larva came near me and I felt that I was extinguished like a candle, . Life among the mineral entrails of such a planet obviously became too boring for me, and therefore, as if wanting to kill such a long and tedious time, I wallowed in the filth. I was terribly weakened, everything in pieces, and I died painfully; I disintegrated with horrendous slowness. I didn't even have the strength to think anymore - it was better that way. At last the "Second Death" arrived, of which the Apocalypse of Saint John speaks; I exhaled the last breath and then... the essence was free; I saw myself turned into a beautiful child; Certain Devas, after carefully examining me, allowed me to enter through the atomic doors that lead one back to the planetary surface, to the light of the sun. Ostensibly the ego had died, my free soul now assumed the beautiful form of a tender infant... What happiness, my God! How great is the mercy of God! The Essence liberated from the ego is entirely innocent and pure; that I became within the entrails of that world in cosmic dust. How long did I live in the infernal worlds? I don't know, possibly between eight thousand and ten thousand years. Now, devoid of ego, I returned to the path of the evolutionary type; I entered the kingdom of the Gnomes or Pygmies, beings that work with the slime of the earth, innocent elementals of the mineral. Later I entered the elemental paradises of the plant kingdom; constantly reincorporating myself into plants, trees and flowers. How happy I felt in the temples of Eden receiving teachings at the feet of the Devas. The happiness of the "jinas" paradises is inconceivable for human reasoning. Each family in those Edens has its temples and its instructors, one is filled with ecstasy when entering the sanctuary of the orange groves or the chapel of the elementary family of good herb, mint or the church of the eucalyptus. Dealing with evolutionary processes, we must make the following statement: "Natura non facit saltus". Nature does not make jumps. It is therefore evident that the most advanced stages of the plant kingdom allowed me to pass to the animal state. I began by reincorporating myself into very simple organisms, and after having had millions of bodies, I ended up returning to organisms that were more and more complex. As an outstanding note of these paragraphs, I must assert that I still have very interesting memories of one of those many existences on the shore of a beautiful river of singing waters that always happily rushed through its bed of ancient rocks. It was then a humble creature, a very particular "specimen" of the "Batrachians" genus; I moved by jumping here, there, there, and over there between the woods. It is evident that I was fully aware of myself, I knew that once I had belonged to the dangerous kingdom of intellectual animals... my best friends were and elementals of those vegetables that had their roots on the banks of the river, with them I talked in the universal language. I dwelt deliciously in the shade, far away from the rational humanoids; when I felt any danger, I immediately took refuge in the crystal clear waters. Many times I continued to return in various organisms, before I had the good fortune to rejoin a "specimen" of a certain class of very intelligent amphibians, which happily came out of the stormy waters   to receive the sun's rays on the sand of the beach. . When the terrible sovereign Grim Reaper who makes all mortals tremble with fear arrived, I said my last goodbye to the three lower kingdoms and returned in a humanoid organism; thus I laboriously reconquered the status of a rational animal that I had once lost. In my new state of "three-brained or three-centered biped", I recalled, evoked unusual abysmal events; not even remotely wanted to return to the underground world; I yearned to wisely take advantage of the new cycle of one hundred and eight lives that were now assigned to me for my "Intimate Self-Realization". The past experience had left painful scars in the depths of my soul; in no way was he willing to repeat the involutionary processes of the Infernal Worlds. By that time the civilization of said planet had reached its peak; the inhabitants of that world had maritime ships and gigantic ultramodern cities, powerful industries and commerce, universities of all kinds, etc., etc., etc.; Unfortunately, this order of things was not coordinated in any way with the concerns of the spirit. In any of my new humanoid existences, with a restless conscience, as if feeling a strange terror, I decided to inquire, investigate search for the secret path. A proverb of ancient wisdom says: "When the disciple is ready, the Master appears." The guru, the guide appeared to bring me out of the darkness into the light; he taught me the mysteries of life and death; he pointed out to me the Path of the Razor's Edge. Thus became the Mystery of the Golden Blossom; I thoroughly understood my own situation; I knew that I was just a poor rational homunculus, but I longed to become a "true Man" and it is obvious that I achieved it on that great cosmic day, on that sidereal day before yesterday, long before the Mahanvantara of Padma of the Golden Lotus. Unfortunately for those such remote times, when I barely began my esoteric studies at the feet of the master, I did not enjoy any fortune; my family -inhabitants of that world- lived in poverty; a sister who looked after the house earned meager cents in the public market selling fruits and vegetables; I used to accompany him. On some occasion I was locked up in a horrible prison for no reason whatsoever. I spent a long time behind the cruel bars of that prison; however - and this is curious - no one accused me; there was no crime to prosecute; it was a very special case, and to make matters worse my name was not even on the list of prisoners; obviously there was some kind of secret persecution against initiates; That's how I came to understand. Patiently, waiting for some opportunity, I lay in wait for any fortunate moment with the purpose of escaping... Several times I tried in vain; but finally, one of those many days, the guards without knowing how or why they forgot a door leaving it open; It is unquestionable that I  was in no way willing to lose the long-awaited opportunity; In a matter of seconds I left that prison after making certain detours to a market place with the desire to mislead some policemen who caught sight of me and who were following me; In any case, I succeeded in the attempt and left that city forever. I will conclude by saying that only by working in the Burning Forge of Vulcan did I manage to become an Authentic Man.

  1. All the satellites of our solar system were part of the past solar system that in esotericism is called "Moon Chain". Any solar system is born, grows, ages and dies, so was the lunar chain. The time of activity is called Mahanvantara in esotericism; the cosmic night is called Pralaya..
  2. I met Ushanas or Uriel on the Polar continent during the first race; wrote a beautiful book with runic characters. Shucra, that is, the Ruler of the planet Venus, incarnated on Earth as Ushanas, in Hebrew Uriel, and gave the inhabitants of this world perfect laws that unfortunately were violated in subsequent centuries.
  3. In archaic times, back in Lemuria, I got the Elixir of Long Life, it is based on the primordial substance that can make life green, this is the "Nectar of the Gods", what Paracelsus calls Ens Seminis Where is the ens virtutis. In the continent "Mu" or Lemuria, which was situated in the gigantic Pacific Ocean, the White Brotherhood granted me the wonderful elixir, "Cupid's Gift" with which one can preserve the body for millions of years. I was able to preserve the physical body for thousands of years in Atlantis; I was an immortal. Starting the first Aryan sub-race, then what happened to me was the same to Count Zanoni happened, who had his immortal body taken away for falling in love with a chorus girl from Naples. That was how I was reincarnated in different bodies, until now that I have come back up. Fortunately, I am already on my feet despite having repeated the same crime. My Divine Mother Kundalini later took me inside a cavern deep in the mountain and then I saw rains, tears and torrents of cloudy water, bitterness and mud, misery, etc., etc. See the future that awaits you!, exclaimed my Mother... My pleas were useless! I did not deserve forgiveness; I was a repeat offender in the crime; I finally saw her lock herself inside the muladhara chakra in the coccygeal bone, and then, woe is me! Oh! Oh!
  4. I remember back in the days when South America was united to the submerged continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, a very interesting case: A young Indian woman, engaged to a gallant of the same tribe, suffered horribly as a result of quarrels that threatened to frustrate the agreed marriage. As the magician doctor of the tribe that I was, I was consulted by the embittered woman whom I promised to help, and I immediately operated on the Gualanday elemental in the following manner: At sunrise, face to the East, head covered With a cloak, I approached the Gualanday. After the well-known ritual, I took two of its branches symbolizing the bride and groom; with a branch in each hand and facing the place where the groom lived, pronounce the Gualanday mantra three times: “Tisando, Tisando, Tisando”. I ordered the elemental to move to the couple's residence, end the quarrels and harmonize the couple and not separate from work until the mandate was fulfilled. Once this operation was done, I placed the Gualanday branches on two stick trunks, on the ground; I beat the branches against the trunks until the leaves came off; I gave these to the bride to be cooked with the groom's food. The couple married shortly after and were happy. Nothing more effective to destroy the quarrels of married couples than the Gualanday ritual.
  5. In those primitive times of South America, when Lemuria and Atlantis had not yet submerged, I remember something very interesting. A lady was abandoned by her husband, leaving her in a truly unfortunate situation. I then, sorry for the poor woman, performed a work of elemental magic with the guava tree. I lit a large wax on a piece of clothing worn by the man. I plucked some branches from the guava tree and placed them next to the wax, imperatively ordering the elemental of the guava tree to bring the absent husband home. This work was surprising, the result was wonderful: The man returned to his home repentant.
  6. In times of Lemuria, a Great Lord of Light, a white magician, wanted to get lost along the black path, I admonished him with my advice to stop him, but he insisted on his purposes. I was forced to operate with the fique elemental, possessor of great powers, to prevent him from making such a fatal decision. I ritualized in the already known way. I cut one of its leaves, put it between the palms of my hands and pronounced several times the three mantra of the fique elemental: “Libib, Leoninas, Lenonón”. I imperatively ordered the elemental to travel to the place where the white magician lived, who was in danger of getting lost on the black path. The elemental took the form of a goatling and plunged into the mage's atmosphere, carrying out exactly the orders I gave him: disintegrate bad thoughts and fortify good ones. 8. I knew the hermaphroditic Lemurian race. In these moments, those terrible volcanoes in constant eruption come to mind. What times! All of us, the Initiates, normally used a certain very common priestly garment; Those venerated sacral robes stand out splendidly with the black and white colors that symbolize the tremendous struggle between spirit and matter. It was worthy to admire and see those giant lemurs with their noble clothes and those sandals that had large tassels. Between the eyebrows of those giants stood ou the Pituitary Gland, the Sixth Sense, light-bearer and page of the Pineal Gland. So the life of any individual had an average of twelve to fifteen centuries. And gigantic cities were built protected with enormous stones formed with lava from volcanoes. I also knew the last times of the Third Race and I lived in that time mentioned by Genesis, that ancient age in which Adam and Eve were thrown out of Eden. By those times humanity had already divided into opposite sexes; the sexual act was then a sacrament that could only be performed inside the temples. At certain lunar times, the Lemurian tribes made long trips, they went on pilgrimages to the holy places with the purpose of multiplying the species (remember the honeymoon trips). We Lemurians were all children of Will and Yoga; in copulation only the Maithuna was used; no one made the mistake of ejaculating the Entity of the Semen. I lived in the countryside with my tribe, far from the walled cyclopean cities, we lived in a large hut, ranch or cabin. Close to our rounded palm-roofed residence, I remember quite clearly that there was a barracks; the warriors of the tribe gathered there. It happened that one night, all of us, fascinated by a strange luciferic power, decided to perform the sexual act outside the temple; each couple indulged in lust. Very early in the morning and as if nothing had happened, we had the effrontery, the shamelessness, the insolence, the audacity to present ourselves as always in the temple. Then something unusual happened, something terrible. We all saw a God of Justice, a great Master dressed in albs and immaculate priestly garments, who, threatening us with a flaming sword that revolved from all sides, told us: "Get out, unworthy ones!". It is clear that we fled in terror. It is obvious that this event was repeated in all the corners of the enormous Mu continent. This is how humanity, Adam-Eve, was taken out of the Garden of Eden.
  7. A long time ago, in the deep night of centuries, there on the continent of Mu or Lemuria, I met Jahvé, that fallen angel of whom Saturninus of Antioch speaks. Certainly Jahvé was a venerable teacher of the White Brotherhood, a glorious angel of Mahanvantara precedents. I met him, I saw him, he was a priest and warrior among the people of Lemuria; everyone loved, adored and venerated him. Hierophants of the purple race granted him the high honor of wearing pure gold crest, helmet, shield and sword. That warrior priest shone like a golden flame under the thick forest of the sun. On his symbolic shield, Vulcan had engraved many prophecies and dire warnings. Alas! Alas! Alas! This man made the mistake of betraying the Mysteries of Vulcan. The Lucifer ones of that age who floated in the atmosphere of the old continent Mu taught him Black Tantrism, Maithuna with the Ens seminis ejaculation. The most serious thing was that this man, so loved and revered by the whole world, allowed himself to be convinced and practiced this pernicious type of Sexual Magic with different women. Then, it is clear, the igneous serpent of our magical powers descended through the spinal canal and projected downwards from the coccyx, forming and developing the abominable Kundartiguador organ in the astral body of Jahveh. This is how that angel fell, he became through all the ages a terribly wicked demon. In the Superior Worlds we have found many times the priestess wife of Jahvé; he is an ineffable angel. Useless were the efforts of that man to convince his wife; she never accepted the Black Tantrism of the tenebrous ones and preferred the divorce before going down the black path. Jahvé is that demon that tempted Jesus the Christ in the desert during the fast.
  8. I was an eyewitness to all the volcanic catastrophes that wiped out the continent of Mu. It is evident that through more than ten thousand years of incessant earthquakes and terrifying tidal waves, that ancient land was submerged in the stormy waters of the Pacific Ocean. It is something pathetic, clear and definitive that as that old continent was slowly submerging in the raging waves of the stormy ocean that Atlantis of Plato emerged gradually from the deep waters of the Atlantic. Unquestionably, I also lived with my lemur body in "The Country of the Mud Hills", I met its powerful civilizations, far superior to the current one, and I saw it plunge into the furious waves of the ocean that bears its name. Before the Bal Star fell in the place where now there is only sea and sky, before the seven cities with their golden gates and transparent temples trembled and shook like the leaves of a tree shaken by a storm, I came out of there heading to the central plateau of Asia, to that place where Tibet is today. In that area of the earth, the surviving Atlanteans mixed with the Nordics, thus forming the First Sub-Race of our current Aryan Race. The savior guide of the chosen Atlanteans, the one who took them out of the "Country of the muds hills", was the biblical Noah, the Manu Vaivasvata, the founder of the Aryan Race. I still remember beyond time and distance, those cosmic festivals which were then celebrated in our monastery. In those days I was always received there with great veneration; it was exotic living with a lemur body in the middle of the Aryan world. I returned to my old adventures, repeating the crime I fell in love again with the seductive Eva of Hebraic mythology and I swallowed the forbidden fruit. Such a maiden of mysterious charms was forbidden for me; however, I must say that I fell at the feet of the delicious female, exhausted. My Divine Mother Kundalini later took me inside a cave, in which depth of a mountain, and then I saw rains, tears and torrents of cloudy water, bitterness and mud, misery, etc., etc., etc. See the future that awaits you!, exclaimed my Mother... Useless was my pleas were heard, I did not deserve forgiveness; he was a repeat offender; I finally saw her lock herself inside the Muladhara chakra in the coccygeal bone, and then, woe is me! Oh! Oh!
  9. Lemuria, a gigantic continent, was located there in the Pacific Ocean; it had an extremely tropical climate, tremendously tropical. Volcanoes erupted constantly. Life was very different back then than it is now. Everyone spoke in the language of Light. If we wanted to greet someone, we simply raised our hands to our hearts and said "Aibú", and the other answered "Aibú". We spoke a very different language, it was rather like a little singsong, and a superior language, and we had power over the elements: fire, air, water, earth, I myself walked among those Lemurian multitudes. So I remember the powers; how could he unleash lightning, storms. We had come from other mahanvantaras; we knew life. Later we made the mistake of taking wives when it was forbidden to us, so we had to suffer a lot, suffer to get back on our feet. Thus, I met Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean; at last it sank through 10,000 years of incessant earthquakes, by "fire-raining sun and great earthquakes," as the Aztecs say. I knew all that between fire and earthquakes, Lemuria sank in the Pacific for 10,000 years. There were survivors, some of those regressed so much that they became Lilliputians. In Bolivia they found a group of Lilliputians; they had a little town; but this is not the story of Tom Thumb, they were about 10 centimeters; the tallest were giants, they were 20 centimeters, and the little town was all made up of little houses that looked like dolls, a doll holder, and pots, what would it be like where the Lilliputians cooked? Everything was small. But overnight those people disappeared. What did they do? They got into the fourth vertical and left; these were already involuting lemurs. However, the town is preserved, and that tribe that lives in that region never allows a civilized person to approach that town that is guarded by the tribe. It is a little town that looks like dolls ones, with several hills that surround it, very high; each hill is so high that it can reach three meters at most, but for them it is a big hill.


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  • Hello! I like the way you put Aquarius and Avatar together and one because I'am a Aquarius and two because I resonate with the movie,"Avatar!"
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