The international alliance fighting to liberate humanity from the Satanic Khazarian mafia scored a series of major victories in the past week. The biggest is a growing international boycott of their fraudulent financial system. Russia, China, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America are all joining this boycott. Once the KM loses control of money, it is truly game over.


This move went into effect on April 1st, when Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that demands ‘unfriendly countries’ pay for Russian gas in gold and asset-backed rubles.

The propaganda talk of “global sanctions” against Russia by the US corporate government is a pure bluff because it is the most indebted entity in human history, with over $200 trillion in unpayable bills. Also, Russia has an estimated $75 trillion in natural resources compared to about $45 trillion for the US.

Here is how Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes the situation:

‘”A new reality is taking shape: the unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past and a multipolar world is being born. This is an objective process that cannot be stopped, there won’t be one single ruler in this new reality….Nobody on Earth will be considered a second-rate player. All nations are equal and sovereign.”

The rest of the world turned decisively against the KM-controlled G7 in part because the Russian Defence Ministry published documents about secret military biological activities of the United States in Ukraine. The documents identify: specific officials involved in the creation of biological weapons…these campaigns were directly linked to the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden…work with strains of particularly dangerous pathogens being carried out on behalf of the Pentagon, has been stopped…Of particular interest are documents indicating the Kyiv regime’s plans to use drones capable of carrying and dispersing lethal substances.

The documents are supplemented with the permission to export the bioweapons to EU countries, USA, Canada and Japan.

Hence the international boycott. Already, the Russian gas giant Gazprom has officially halted all deliveries to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline, a critical artery for European energy supplies.

This caused Germany to trigger an emergency plan to manage gas supplies while Greece called an emergency meeting of suppliers as the Dutch government urged consumers to use less gas, the French energy regulator told consumers not to panic.

The effect on the people will cause a revolution as prices at German retail chains explode between 20 and 50%.

The fake US president Joe Biden was also forced to dip into strategic oil reserves after the rest of the world refused to accept their worthless dollars as payment.

The US government is already in a state of full collapse. The latest evidence for this is the record number of job openings in the US. This is not due to a growing economy but rather a growing “crime-force participation rate…If you can steal $900 without prosecution, this encourages crime and reduces the incentive to take a job” explains financial expert Jeff Gundlach. Police cannot enforce petty crimes because they cannot even deal with major crimes due to a complete breakdown in law and order. In other words, a slave revolt is underway in the US.

More and more people are becoming aware that the governments of the G7 countries are under the control of a Satanic cult that is trying to kill them, Here, for example, here is what Satanic Chabad Leader and Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson says about Russia:

”Slav, Russia, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers…. the renegades, “married” with the [Khazarian] Jews by common interests…will be withdrawn from our society once we use them for our own purposes.”

Of course, if they kill the Russians they will then try to kill the Chinese and other people. The world is now being presented with irrefutable proof that this cult is trying to massacre 90% of the world’s population and enslave the rest. That is why the international boycott has taken effect.

Now even the international drug mafia has announced action against the KM. Last week a representative of the worlds’ heroin, cocaine and marijuana trafficking cartels contacted the alliance to say the worlds’ drug cartels were taking their “rat-infested warehouses full of US dollar bills,” and converting them into silver, gold and other commodities. This will simultaneously allow them to launder their money and subvert the KM financial system, the representative explained. Finance ministers from Latin American countries say they cannot openly refuse US corporate dollars for fear of an invasion by US troops, but will support this move by making silver etc. available.

The North Koreans have also done their part and already stopped accepting fiat dollars for payment for amphetamines.

Now the Taliban have announced Afghanistan, the worlds’ largest opium producer, will shut down all heroin production.

The heroin dealing division of the CIA tried to stop this move with a failed attempt to remove Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan.

To try to make up for the loss of illegal drug money last week US lawmakers backed the decriminalization of marijuana nationwide in an attempt to increase tax revenue.

This is not going to be enough.

Even more damning is the information provided to us by the drug lords about the production of adrenochrome, a substance they will no longer deal in.

The article in French linked below (use Google translate to read if necessary) shows that the torture of children to harvest adrenochrome has been going on for centuries, if not millennia.

As a Mossad source explains:

Our old modern society has promoted stories of orphans & orphanages homes — even X-Men are stories of finding & cultivating children with special skills & talents (DNA). This is all subliminal programming related to the underground human harvesting farms. Children have been the lab rats & food sources for these satanic humans & their non-humans masters. Connect the dots. It’s all related. The incubators were just another front. From where and how did they acquire the infants? This is new intel to me for sure.

The pictures below tell the story.

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The war in Ukraine is really about a war to destroy these Satanists once and for all. The Ukrainian militants and their Chabad masters are not Jews, they are Satan worshipers. These photos are a fragment of the mountain of evidence proving this.

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These cowards are hiding behind civilians and in ambulances to escape justice. Here, for example, Al Jazeera unexpectedly filmed Ukrainian troops using Red Cross vehicles for transportation.


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The Red Cross, by the way, is not a charity but simply a cover for crimes. This has been proved in Haiti, Iraq, and now Ukraine. If you pay attention have you noticed the Red Cross is always in the wrong business? 


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In any case, justice is coming. Last week some high ranking Azov and Ukraine armed forces Militants tried escaping Mariupol through a helicopter but were shot down by a captured American-made Stinger ( karma can be a bitch). 

In Odesa, meanwhile, the head of the local Ukrainian defense, Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Kislovsky was captured while engaged in an orgy with a transvestite in the underground brothel. He has provided the Russians with detailed information about the Satanist’s forces in that city, Russian FSB sources say.

Graffiti about the conflict in Ukraine and against NATO is also appearing on walls all over Europe 

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The Chinese are doing their part as well. This political cartoon from the People’s Daily about “NATO’s incurable disease”, shows their attitude. 

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More important is this news:

“A Massive Cargo Ship the “Ever Forward” owned by Evergreen has been stuck in the mud for over 2 weeks in the Chesapeake Bay right outside Of Baltimore for 2 WEEKS And They Can’t Get It Out.” This is the same company whose boat got stuck in the Suez Canal last year, Our sources tell us it contains a Chinese nuclear weapon capable of destroying the entire Washington DC area that will go off unless the American government purges the KM in the US.

Of course, a revolution is taking place within the G7 countries even without external pressure. Last week Senator Grassley and Senator Johnson formally introduce Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell into the official record, This laptop includes videos of Biden violently raping a bleeding 10-year-old child. The Senators also released bank records showing he got payments from China. 


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Even propaganda news outlets like CNN, CBS News, the New York Times and the Washington Post are being forced to report this.

We are now even seeing reports of systematic child abuse at US military bases.

We also have a weatherman from channel 10 news in Oregon telling the truth about the chemtrails. 


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Meanwhile, agency and pentagon white hats keep up the hunt for Satanists. For famous people, this is usually announced as “they tested positive for Covid.” The latest such move came when “CIA Director William Burns tests positive for Covid. The intelligence agency said Burns is experiencing mild symptoms and has received two vaccine doses as well as a booster shot.”

“He has been picked up as well. They are rounding them up. One by one,” explains a CIA source.. 

In Australia, Senator Malcolm Roberts tells the Prime Minister, Health Ministry and Health Departments they will be hunted down and held accountable for Covid crimes.


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Remember New Zealand PM Jacinda (Jack) Ardern’s actions? Look at her face: it’s broken down. It’s only a matter of time before horseface gets a taste of a nice jail cell and all that goes with it.


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In Canada meanwhile, Mossad sources told us last week that Justin Castro is a descendant of Russian dictator Joseph Stalin. He was infiltrated as a Manchurian candidate to turn Canada into a Khazarian (communist) slave state, they say. Certainly, there is a strong resemblance between Castro and Stalin. 

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This and his long list of crimes are why he can no longer safely appear in public. His days are numbered 


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In France as well Major Alain Bonte from the French Army explains that Macron has alienated the 4 French armies ( land, air, sea and gendarmerie), announces electoral fraud for the presidential election of 2022 and confirms the fraud in 2017

The whole Covid narrative is also falling apart. “In all honesty, the common cold and flu are coronaviruses and they spit out new variants constantly… they have been since the beginning of time. They can literally keep this going indefinitely. UNTIL WE LET THEM KNOW, THAT WE KNOW ITS JUST A FUCKING COLD!” says a CIA medical doctor.

The truth about vaccinations is also coming out. The lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Echoes Dr. Luc Montagnier’s Bold Statement about Vaccinated Hospitalizations says “If you test positive and you have to be hospitalized after you got vaccinated, that means you probably have AIDS.”

“When this comes, and it’s going to come. The genie is out of the bottle. Dr. Fauci and his pal gave everybody AIDS. Period. That happened. There is no way that they’re going to contain this, and when these trials come, [the] media, politicians, military, cops, doctors, they are all going to be judged” says attorney Todd Callender, echoing many. At Nuremberg 2: ‘Just Following Orders’ Isn’t Gonna Cut It

Of course, the KM is trying to distract and BS their way out of trouble but it ain’t working. For example “the Will Smith fake bitch slap at the Oscars was staged by Hollywood pedos desperate for attention and ratings,” a Mossad source says. Take a look at the stage where the Oscars were held. “The all-seeing eye of the Illuminati”. 

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The Hollywood celebs who visited Epstein Island (see list below) have all been “removed” by the White Hats, CIA sources say.

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Is that why Jim Carrey, Bruce Willis and Sandra Bullock are taking a break from Hollywood?

The fake Biden show is also entering its last days. Take a look at the photo they released last week.

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This DID NOT happen last week. The south lawn of the WH was empty, no chairs or anything set up…it was FREEZING cold yesterday. -2° and extremely windy says Nancy Drew, the journalist who always is around DC area reporting. This is the fake Biden regime White House set located in the Voice of America propaganda building in New York 


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Clearly fake Biden presidency spokestrans Jen Zuckerberg Rockefeller knows the Biden show is ending which is why she is moving to a corporate media propaganda job at MSNBC. Take a peek at his/her soulless eyes.

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Finally this week, we note an Avatar of ERDOGAN was in Turkey for the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. (look carefully at the 2 attached photos).

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There can be no doubt KM rule is collapsing and humanity is being freed.



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  • I agree, its time to go back to real money. In the last month 12 countries has went back to the gold standard, In the N.America's its called the Nesara and in the rest of the world its the Gesara system, both invented by st. Germain. Its all part of the new Quantum system set up by the white hats around the world. We are all one,indeed. Adonai
  • Hi! Goodbye monetary system hello paradism!.
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